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  1. @GabenJr I am currently in the process of training to be a certified AppleCare Technician. If I’m not mistaken, getting this certification would allow me to access Apple’s Global Service Exchange, or GSX, which is their internal portal for component purchases at wholesale. I’d be more than happy to help, considering LTT has inspired me to love technology even more, and a main influence for me to start pursuing the AppleCare Technician certification. By the way, a lot of posts on this forum say that there’s no repair manual yet for the iMac Pro. I’m pretty sure that’s not true. I’m pretty sure I remember looking through it.
  2. In addition to what what others said, that it's a fake card, I would avoid it based on when something looks too good to be true, it usually isn't. On Newegg those cards are at least around $150!
  3. No problem! I love economics, too! Again, congratulations on your upgrade!
  4. Take the Bitcoin and you'll end up owing Ajit Pai 600$ in fees! Seriously though, I personally don't think it's a good investment at this point. I could definitely be wrong, but I think that the current state of Bitcoin resembles the roaring 20s. It's doing SO well right now, but we might have a Black Tuesday on our hands some day in the near future. It must come down at some point. All economic entities do. I think you're better off playing it safe and taking the USD. I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide! Also, since I'm assuming you're selling an old phone because you got a new one, congratulations on the upgrade!