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My parents have, at the tender age of 56 and 58, decided to retire from their consulting business. 

Apparently they are now going to live out the rest if their lifes in my grandmother's old house at the French Riviera. 

At least I'll now know where to find them and they'll be easier to visit.

  1. Dackzy


    that sounds very relaxing :) 

  2. Sharif


    I can see my dad's frustration more and more being at 63, he gets super irritated every time he finds out someone else has retired, going through the money hunt regmoral at his age must be pretty...

  3. Volbet


    @Dackzy Yeah, I think it will be. I also think it'll be too relaxing for the two of them. They've spend the majority of their life moving around, so settling down is probably not for them. I give them 6 months. 


    @Sharif Man, that sucks. What does your dad do and at what age can he retire? 

  4. Dackzy


    I mean who knows, but yeah if it is in their nature to move around a lot, then you are probably correct.

  5. Sharif


    @Volbet He's a small time contractor, we had this crane incident happen at a factory with a court case that isn't solved to this day (happened years ago) things just kept going south since then. As a parent he successfully got 4 of my siblings (yep 4) graduated from university and are scattered all over the world now but his current job is still at a decline and we are also leaving this country very soon, a wonderful country where even if you happen to spend 4 decades of your life and can still forget about better rights, PR and still go through the visa rigmarole. The best part about all this is because my parents were absent from our home country for decades, nothing really progressed there rather we now have property issues to deal with. I honestly don't know if I should laugh in a sadistic way or just be thankful they managed work things out for this long. On the bright side, my siblings can hopefully cover my university expenses that are very soon to come. If you are wondering why didn't we just leave, dad with university expenses of my siblings he was dealing with, doing so wasn't an option at the time.

  6. Volbet


    Oh, man. That sounds rough, man. 

    Your dad sounds like a hard working man that got royally screwed over by the system. Putting a kid through university can be rough, let alone four of them. 


    I hope things will get better. 

  7. Sharif


    Yep, I hope so too. A part me feels guilty that university expenses will restart again with myself going to University next. People around my parent's age should be traveling around, visiting family, visiting my own siblings than be stuck in this situation. I can just hope for the best at this point 
