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Im in love with my laptop :3

  1. DigitalHermit


    Does said love involve sleeping with said laptop? ( :

  2. Shakaza


    I may be getting a new laptop relatively soon. The one I have sucks, and I'm hopefully gonna get something that can play games and handle moderate 3D modelling and animation. And games. :D

  3. LukaP


    hermit, naah, we just netflix and chill ;)

    shakaza if your budget is around a grand, look no furhter than Lenovo Y50

  4. givingtnt


    yeah lenovo mkes very great laptops. too bad i had 2600$ to spare for one :P

  5. LukaP


    what did you get? also i have no idea why everyone is bitching about the bloatware, i had none

  6. Shakaza


    I was thinking more along the lines of the Gigabyte P55K-NE1. Is that any good? The specs are great, but I dunno about the reliability. It's $950 after a promo code, too.

  7. LukaP


    no idea, since i didnt look at gigabyte (they dont ship here) but apparently they are reliable

  8. Shakaza


    It looks like I'll have to sell my desktop to get it, though. I'll miss my GTX 970, but the CPU in the laptop is just as powerful as my overclocked i5, at least in rendering, and the GTX 965M is no slouch either. I don't mind sacrificing performance for portability, and it's not like I'm getting much use out of my desktop as it is with it being at home and me at college. xD

  9. Tech_Dreamer


    well, it's been sitting on your lap all these times :p

  10. Flight1sim


    Treat that hinge with care, Lenovo is known to have the shittiest hinges in laptops ever, my y580 can confirm

  11. LukaP


    seems pretty sturdy, and havent heard of anyone complaining yet

  12. givingtnt


    I have a msi gs70 (2qe I think) basically the most high end with a 5700hq and 750gb of ssd

  13. MaxBeast4Z