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  1. Will the monitor screen cut on the edges
  2. I recently made a new computer and I need a new gaming monitor. The question is Is it worth going 4k? Will it be fast enough for high gfx gaming on my 1080ti?
  3. To buy a premade system like this is 4000$ Also the gfx card come with Assassins Creed Origins and destiny two for free.
  4. Yeah I don’t know why I made this post I am just going to remove it
  5. If your looking for a 1700$ try this. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9qWJ6X
  6. Man it is only 320$ for 7700k in the US not like 380$
  7. The 8700k is less actually by like 50$ I might livestream soon that is why I would need more cores.
  8. Sorry forgot to update the link I already changed that https://pcpartpicker.com/list/d3m3hq 4x4 ram was better priced and I don’t think I am going to upgrade. I am thinking about changing my PSU. That is a cheaper case I just wanted fans included I don’t need my loading to be fast I just am looking for preformance
  9. Now that I think about I don’t think I need 9th gen. 8th gen is good enough
  10. PCPartPicker could prove that it tells you what is and what’s not compatible
  11. Possibly this for a keyboard. https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16823816083?ignorebbr=true&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle-Mobile&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-Mobile-_-Gaming+Keyboard-_-Corsair-_-23816083