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  1. True... my 1700x is at like 4ghz I don't know why I didn't think about that.
  2. Possibly a Ryzen 7 1800x for recording/editing? Thoughts?
  3. Hey mate, any recommended budget? EDIT : - Scrap that your lists are 4k dollars.
  4. "I broke my PC. I replaced my case and now pressing the power button won't work" * Hasn't plugged his front panel connectors into his motherboard...
  5. Personally never bought anything, but from what I remember (I'm meant to be working LOL) It's XP boosts and cosmetic stuff, absolutely not necessary at all. Maybe some high level horses because why not.
  6. I completely forgot about this! Good catch.
  7. There's both sides of it really. If you want to level up fishing you have the choice of fishing manually, or automatically - granted iirc automatically is a lot slower. Gathering professions etc you have to go do yourself. You can close the game to System Tray whilst doing an "Auto Loop" to level up your weight and running skills etc? (Who came up with this?!?! ) There is a lot of fighting grinding too, big wars happen if you can find a guild who do it - node wars etc. It's definitely fun, but grinding is a big factor. - Levelling up your gear is very RNG based too, want to upgrade something? Nope! Sometimes it can even destroy the equipment! Questing isn't necessary but there are advantages to doing them, which was beneficial to me, as I despise questing (did them after I reached level 50 anyway... ugh)
  8. I think I'd like to class this as "trying to fix something that isn't broken"
  9. Sorry, you're asking the wrong person for medieval games. I play a wide variety, but that's not in my list.
  10. Personally I think it's fantastic, but I think you have to get a guild and friends to enjoy it fully. Also, don't buy it unless you like grinding. Think D3, but more grinding
  11. Apologies, I kinda read the title and clicked a PC part picker link
  12. With an AM3+ socket I'm not sure how much better you're going to get
  13. I wouldn't say it's an issue. I bought a used GTX 750 after like 2 years of use and it lasted me another year-ish.
  14. Personally I found that curved monitors make me feel unwell - Never figured out why, but after that I've always gone with flat monitors. Much more comfortable. Saying that, everyone is different and you may feel that curved suits you better.
  15. I'd love to help but I don't quite understand the wording. You want a random topic number and then you want to increment a number after the question has been answered?