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  1. The payment processor is the company that takes the charges from your credit/debit machine and sends it to the companies account in a secure manner. sounds simple but it isn't simple enough where you can do it in house.
  2. it made sense for my work related activities. i figured, might as well get one that is great at all things. I came from an HP omen 34", but still needed a second screen.
  3. Also, they likely hire a wide range of people. The processes are there so you can have an entirely unskilled person work the phones. Considering every call center contract I was on had near 100% turnover rates after 3 months, you can see how that would be a problem. Tech support for a small company usually had folks burn out after a couple years (unless you are a masochist like me).
  4. Cut my teeth in call centers back in the day. You could have a smoking gun set of symptoms, jump to the correct action, then have your team leader reprimand you for not sticking to the process. Its frustrating, but try and have mercy on the poor souls on the other end of the line. They are micromanaged into near uselessness.
  5. *cries in 49" uber-wide 1440p + 5700xt
  6. I relate so hard to the UV build. I did literally the exact same thing. but i flattened a paperclip and got UV reactive molex connectors. Several hours and shredded fingers later and it actually won an award at a lan party. DFI lan party board, UV cold cathode tubes. It was baller AF.
  7. Or find you an old office PC/workstation on e-bay that has the required internal drive bays, then use one of the many nas OS's out there. unraid is my favorite.
  8. mesh devices with a dedicated backhaul is a good option if ethernet runs arent going to work. I use asus zen wifi, i was getting 600-700 megs between my base station and the remote end. These were the AC modelits going thru roughly 3 interior walls and 50-60 feet. you can add more units and i believe they will lock to the closest node. Proper mesh units with a dedicated backhaul radio means you don't degrade speeds by half for every hop like traditional extenders. additionally, mocha 2.5 gets pretty good speeds if your coax is decent quality.
  9. can you post your firewalld/iptables rules?
  10. in my case, i had one going to my router, and one going to a VM via a NIC passthru. In another use case i could have a router for me and a router for my basement tenants so we would keep our own shenanigan's to ourselves.
  11. im getting ipv4 addresses from mine, but you are correct. OP's configuration is culprit here.
  12. unraid is dummy-proof. got it up and running the first try super easy. you can trial it for free too. licenses are cheap.
  13. im literally doing this with my telus provided gateway, i just put it into bridge mode. two ports in use, each of those two devices gets a public IP