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Plan on selling this 29" UW-1080p 75hz monitor to a friend so I made this for the game he plays... he just got a Gigabyte 1660Super (he is using 1080p 60hz atm) had a Blackscreening RX570 MSI Armor. I have a 1070 so I figured its as close as its needing to be.. we both have 4.6Ghz 4790K as well.

No issues with his new GPU all week in more demanding games,.. so seems good..

He didn't know 1440p even existed and thought the jump was 1080 to 2160p but have since shown him Ultrawide 1080,1440p,2160p and normal 16:9 1440p and 4K (Demands per resolution)


He is very thankful for Linus 4K is Dumb video and varied online videos on the subject..
