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  1. This is a general overview of my current home network setup.
  2. Many of you have the wrong idea. While Microsoft and other tech companies do have beta programs, no one is committing malicious code on purpose. Comparing this incident to big tech companies is stupid to say the least.
  3. Trust me on this one, it is worth it. https://www.ui.com/airmax/nanobeam-ac-gen2/
  4. My updated network. Use RDS in RemoteApp mode to remotely run taxing programs. Reverse proxy on PFSense to run multiple web pages through 1 ip. Also use cloudflare access sso to secure all externally accessed apps.
  5. use a vultr windows vps and use softether as a vpn server then enable openvpn support.
  6. no... if you use cloudflare you will not be able to see host ip I actually use cloudflare for my website.
  7. I signed up to lmg on the floatplane website itself and i dont have access to floatplane forums on the ltt forum
  8. Guys I am trying to setup a captive portal solution on a ddwrt ap but I cant find any help on google?