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Posts posted by Ty_Cox

  1. 1 minute ago, GuiltySpark_ said:

    My eyeballs. 😳


    Let me get this straight. 4090 + 1080p monitor + DLSS performance making the res actually 960x544. 


    Yes, you're seeing bottlenecking but its the GPU that BEING bottlenecked since you're throwing such a small res at the game. The 4090 is sitting around with nothing to do.


    With a 4090 you certainly want to upgrade your monitor but at the very least, turn off DLSS. If you insist on keeping that monitor, you're going to want a faster CPU but it will always be your bottleneck at that resolution. 



    This time I disabled upscaling and put the resolution back to default monitor res. I am targeting 250 FPS.


    Overwatch 2 hits 600 FPS no problem. So I am so confused why the CPU would be the bottlenecked at 190 FPS.



  2. Can you guys review this build to make sure I am not buying something I shouldn't. 144hz 1080p and also looking to use VR headsets.


    Here is the parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7jfjV6


    Any suggests or concerns? Thanks in advance.

  3. I'm looking for a stable solution to run 4k cloud gaming through Shadow.Tech.


    This article mentions that ASUS's Tinker Board can playback video at 4k. Would this Tinker Board, with stability, work for Shadow gaming 4k @ 60fps? Is there a better solution without purchasing an actual PC?


    Here is the board on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tinker-Board-Quad-Core-connectivity-Motherboards/dp/B00FS83U42

  4. What makes this BenQ ZOWIE gaming monitor a better eSports monitor than this LG 27UD69P-W UHD monitor?


    I am trying to justify moving to this BenQ monitor for playing competitive BO4 on console. I'm rather monitor spec ignorant, so I'm seeking help to point out the specs that would justify this purchase.


    For example,

    Does 4ms response time vs 1ms response time make a huge difference @ 60hz gaming?

    Does the LG monitor above struggle from "smearing or ghosting"?

  5. 5 minutes ago, OCD-FREAK said:

    since you are a senior, i am sure you would be able to give me the best tips on how can i learn C and java quick and in a professional way. by the way why you suggested me to stop learning C ? if it's the best language for hardware level programming? by the way i am also doing assembler too :) 

    I believe this forum has resources for learning Java back on it's main thread for programming. Udemy has great courses for this as well, depending of the application type you are trying to develop.


    From what I understand C has not matured to today's standards: https://www.quora.com/Which-one-should-I-learn-first-C-or-C++
    Keep in mind that building applications is easy, but building applications that last is very difficult. Build your application roots as mentioned in my previous post.

    Also, Visual Studio supports C++ natively...

  6. 26 minutes ago, OCD-FREAK said:

    You really helped out, but lets put difficulty aside, is it true that C is the most powerful language and if you really learn it then any other language would be a piece of cake? Surprisingly i was thought C language as my first language ever during my first year in Mechatronics (iam second year now), and I've built calculators, input/output programs, microcontroller programs, and alot of other medium level programs. My dream is to be good at C and it's relatives as well as in java and it's relatives. 

    Hey @OCD-FREAK,


    I misread your original post. I thought you were just starting out with development.


    Before I say the following... please understand that this is from my experience within a public enterprise company for only 5 years, & hobbyist coding for ~11 years. Sooo IMO... :)

    Stop coding in C and go to C++.

    Your next move should be to learn architectural patterns. C++ will give you more structure in your development process. Model-view-controller is a popular one that many companies use.

    Then learn OOP, google "Object-oriented programming in Microsoft C++".

    Then learn Java. Do this quickly. Like you said already, if you already know C and C++ this should not be much of a challenge.

    After that, I'd step back start to consider the problem and solution you are trying to produce before ever writing a single line of code. Remember all that other stuff before this? You were doing it all wrong. Learn "object-oriented design" and "UML". Get your idea on paper and then start coding.

    Once you have it on paper, you'll better understand the application's requirements and you can determine if you want to code it in Java or C++ :)

  7. 17 minutes ago, OCD-FREAK said:

    my main goals is to end up programming for the military especially the Air Force, and i also LOVE android app and Robotics , i've heard that C language is the best language one can learn due to its power, because if you compare a C language to a tool it would be a Swiss Knife :). i would like to hear more from your professional advice :) many thanks

    Hey @OCD-FREAK,

    I see that others before this were recommending C. *sigh*... You did mention that you wanted to work for the US military, and the US military will likely want to be programming as close to the hardware as possible to prevent attacks. However, C is going to be very difficult to learn. I would never pretend to understand your capability to learn the language, however, I believe it will make it more difficult on you if you start with C.


    Do me a favor and read over this StackOverflow QA: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3468068/low-mid-high-level-language-whats-the-difference

    This QA discusses the difference between high-level and low-level programming languages. The higher up the language is, the more easily it is to interpret in your native language.


    First, SQL. Ignore this for now.


    Next up, Python. Many schools have started to teach python to teenagers. Python is very easy to understand and can be very powerful in a creative person's hands. You mentioned robotics. Python guys & gals are crazy with robotics stuff.


    After that, C# and Java. If you have large aspirations and you want to truly challenge yourself, I would start with either C# or Java.

    Both of these languages are very similar in syntax, and if you learn one then you'll be able to interpret the other.


    Which to start with though?

    If you're a PC guy, then C#. If you're not a PC guy, then Java.



    However, if you are most interested in building android applications then I'd pick up Flutter. Flutter is new and is getting a lot of traction.



    But for god's sakes don't start with C lol.


  8. I skimmed through these responses and didn't see anyone mention the actual goal.

    @OCD-FREAK , what is it that you wish to build? Do you have a project idea? If you don't have a project idea, then what most interests you?


    For 2018 and 2019:

    - Applications Development on Windows: Google "Visual Studio". It is by far the most advanced applications development tool, and it's free. However, you will be bound to Windows development.

    - Cross Platform Applications Development: Java with Eclipse (or Intellij if you have the money) OR if you have a web background, then I highly recommend looking into https://electronjs.org/

    - Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript for a few months. Then find a way to get involved in the Angular project from Google.

    - Cross Platform Game Development: Unreal Engine 4. No one is saying it, but Unreal Engine 4 is taking over the market, and it has visual scripting. Getting experience in visual scripting could be very valuable in the future, but never be scared of coding.

    - Cross Platform Mobile Development: Flutter. Flutter is new, however, it is backed by Google is makes getting mobile apps up quickly.

    - Analytics, System Scripting, Data Modeling: Python. Python is growing quickly and is a great starting point.


    Depending on your goal your environment will change. Find a project and make it happen. No matter what, there is plenty of opportunity.

  9. After spending time in a javascript framework, I realized I've gone through many phases in web development. I wanted to share these steps to see if others can relate or differ, and also figure out what the next step to this puzzle is.


    1) Learn HTML and CSS
    2) Learn that GUI wizards are trash
    3) Learn JavaScript and Jquery
    4) Learn JavaScript with TypeScript Framework and pretend you didn't do the other stuff before this

  10. With Xbox One X just around the corner, I'm trying to find a good gaming monitor to support the system. I'm currently looking at Samsung's UE590 Series (https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15188304791295989221/specs?q=u28e590d&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS720US720&oq=u28e590d&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i59j0l3.3727j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZwrDe0szUAhVBw4MKHcE9AR0QuC8IpAE)


    For the price, this is pretty amazing, and for someone who plays both competitive FPS games and casual games it works.


    However, I don't want to be limiting the system no matter the cost. Is there a better option out there? Can we increase the visual quality and keep the response time at 1ms?
