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Posts posted by NvidiaIntelAMDLoveTriangle

  1. 28 minutes ago, LoGiCalDrm said:

    Still not seeing good reasons behind this argument. You don't loose anything by not paying.

    Yes, you do lose.

    The so called excuse of "Early access" is nothing more than hiding the content you were going to release behind a paywall. Content which was going to be released for free for everyone on YouTube anyway. The only difference is the lack of 3$ per month from your pocket.

    You're not actually getting things earlier, you're getting the exact same videos which were going to be released for everyone for free, it's just that you payed 3$ for it.

    But "Early Access" Am I right??? xD




  2. Any ideas how to fix that annoying sound for good? (there's an attachment to this thread)

    In the room the usual temperature is 23 degrees C, I opened the window to let some fresh air and the room temperature dropped to 18C. Outside it's snowing and it's cold.

    And the fan on my 950 from Gigabyte started to make that noise as soon as the temperature dropped in the room. Now I say this because that's the only thing that I did to it, I haven't touched it in a while.

    Now it's back to normal, but I also stopped it a couple of times with my finger and somehow that fixed it, at least for now. I have no idea if that fixed it or that the temperature went back up was what fixed it.


    Any idea if the drop in temperature could've caused it or how to fix it for good? Besides the obvious of replacing the cooler/fan.


  3. 7 hours ago, Cole5 said:

    Why? Like why is it so hard to not cheat? The money it woulda cost em to make a cleaner would be nothign to if they get these fines

    Because the restrictions that they have to follow are idiotic. No one can actually make a good performing car while meeting those restrictions. Thus everyone cheats. Yes, everyone cheats. And it's only a question of who gets caught doing it.



  4. 3 minutes ago, PCBjon said:

    If you want a good vacuum get yourself a Miele, Iv had my Miele for near twelve years now and its still sucking nicely they are even doing a bag less now.

    I was just about to say that. :)


  5. This is the funniest video I have ever seen from Linus.
    To see so many morons there buying garbage for a lot of money amuses me.


    Mad props to Linus for letting that guy keep the YT play button. But honestly I don't get why that guy even wanted it. Yes, I know he said that he didn't get the Silver button when he hit 100k, but he's at over 1 million and I think he said he has that one. For him it was just I want it because I didn't get it, for Linus it was something sentimental.


  6. 9 minutes ago, MadsAndersen2500 said:

    Could you maybe link the leaks? :) 


    Any good motherboard suggestions if i were to go with the 8600k? In my country a 8400 costs around 1400 dkk and a 8600 costs 1800 dkk ( 1 US dollar is exactly 6.05 in dkk)

    so it isn't too far off, but i was kindda hoping i was saving money getting a non overclock motherboard? do you guys have any suggestions? is it going to cost more more than 1000dkk going for a 8600k with a motherboard able to overclock properly than just getting one of the upcoming budget motherboards + 8400? 


    Thanks in advance 

    Honestly depending on your country and the prices there, if you're looking at the 8600k, then also take a look at the 8700 non k version.

    So you can get a H370 motherboard with an i7 8700. The money that you would've spend on the Z series motherboard can be allocated to the processor. 
