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  1. I would second this, however, (in my opinion) it's not worth the price JetBrains is asking for, however there are some licenses that allow you to use it for free for stuff like open-source projects and educational use.
  2. Spigie

    C++ help !

    The problem is that you have this over-arching problem, that you need to split into smaller problems. I'm not going to give you the code to do it, but here is a general overview of what you probably need to do: When you ask the user if they want to change their security pin (I'm not sure exactly how you do it, I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish), you just need to prompt the user to input a number for example "1234", then convert that number to an integer and store it in the variable you're using for the security pin. If you wanted to go a step further you could probably have a collection of names and their associated pins, credit card numbers, etc. in a JSON file (or a text file, but that would mean you would have to have an arbitrary formatting for the text file, which wouldn't be very expandable, so they don't have to enter their details every time they run the program, you could just prompt them with a "Are you new [Y/N] > ", or something similar. I hope this broke the problem down a little bit so you could understand it better, good luck with your project!
  3. Spigie

    C++ help !

    You need to give us some more information about what it is exactly that you want to do, I can't understand what you mean by What's the security pin, what are you trying to change it to/from? Are you trying to encrypt/decrypt it or are you just assigning the variable a new value based on the security pin? Have you googled around for a solution? What is it exactly you don't know what do?
  4. Sorry I misunderstood what you meant. I really wouldn't recommend programming in machine language directly, but there's no harm in having (even just a basic) understanding of it, sometimes when you're debugging stuff it's useful and interesting to open the executable in a hex editor and just have a look at what's going on under the hood (even if you don't completely understand it).
  5. You can get Swift from the Swift download page. There is a download for Mac (as has been said there may also be a Swift playground for iPads, I'm not sure I don't use Apple products, so you're going to have to do some research yourself), there are also tarballs available for Ubuntu. Being young doesn't matter, I'm only 15 and I enjoy programming (a lot), and I began learning programming when I was 12. I would recommend that you choose a project that you want to work on (which programming language is irrelevant for this), so you have a goal to fuel your learning. I hope that you have fun with programming, good luck!
  6. Most C.P.U.s now use the x86 or x86-64 architecture, and x86-64 is backwards-compatible with x86, so there is a point to learning assembly at least, it gives you a good idea of what is going on in the C.P.U., an assembler translates every line of assembly code into the C.P.U.s machine language, so assembly itself can still be somewhat useful for extremely small applications (nobody would use it for anything big anymore). And you can use assembly language to do cool stuff for older C.P.U.s, I have a friend who learnt 6502 assembly for fun (so he can create his own homebrew NES games). The main point of learning assembly language is usually to gain a better knowledge of how the C.P.U. works. However for a first language I wouldn't recommend assembly.
  7. It's called Machine Code, I took a look at it once, probably wouldn't recommend it as a first language, if you want to do something like that you could probably do x86/x86-64 (or maybe even 8080) assembly Assembly isn't actually that bad once you get your head around that it's just moving data around the C.P.U. However I would recommend that you start with a higher level language. Do some Googling around and find a programming language that looks good to you. If you want to start with Swift then Google "Swift Tutorials". But ultimately it's important to understand that the fundamental ideas of programming are the same dispite what language you learn, and the concepts you learn in one language can be transferred to other languages. Good luck
  8. Well I'll give you advice from the perspective of how I learn a programming language now, because how I learnt a programming language back then probably wasn't a good way of doing it. To find tutorials and sources Google "x tutorial" or "x tutorial pdf". X being HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Have a look at some of the tutorials and try to follow along. The only way to learn any kind of programming is to actually program. Good luck
  9. You don't need to be in college to learn programming, I taught myself HTML, CSS and JavaScript when I was 12 years old, there are some good resources out there if you're willing to look for them and put in the time and effort it takes to learn (and become good at) programming.
  10. Personally my favorite programming languages at the moment are: Common Lisp, Python, Lua, C and C++ (at least those are what I use most at the moment). All of them have some way of doing multicore programming (although admittingly Lua doesn't have this natively, although it is possible through something like LuaLanes). When I was programming on Windows (which I don't do anymore) I did a lot with C#, which also has support for multi-core programming. I think you will find that even if a language doesn't support multi-core/parallel programming natively there will likely be a library for the language that implements it (at least that is the case most of the time, there are exceptions to the rule of course). If you don't know what language you should do your project in then you should do some research on languages which you know have support for multi-core/parallel programming, and find one that you like using.
  11. When the arguments you are receiving are relatively simple, then argc and argv should be fine, in a situation like this they are . However sometimes the arguments you want to receive will be more complex, the GNU C library (which can be used in C++ as well) has a header called argp, which is to help with parsing those longer arguments, an example of how to use it is here, however it is not directly a part of C++ so the syntax of argp is C-like, which can get complex and messy sometimes (but all code can get complex and messy).
  12. When you're learning how to program the specific language you choose isn't important, the likelihood is that you're going to end up learning more than one eventually anyway. What is important is that you understand the underlying concepts of programming, which can be learnt through any language. From the two languages you put in the tags I would recommend starting with Python, it is a fairly simple language that a lot of beginner programmers choose, ultimately it is your choice though, you should do some more research on the languages that you're thinking about learning and choose which one you think you will enjoy the most. As far as learning programming, a lot of people give up because either: 1. It's too hard, or 2. They lose motivation. Everything is hard when you first attempt it, think back to when you were a young child and found writing and reading hard, but through practice you learnt and now you're good at it, programming is the same, you just need to practice and be patient, you will improve over time and things will become easier. As for keeping motivation while learning how to program, you should have something that you want to build, it should be something like a simple text-based adventure game. Set yourself small goals, so it feels like you're achieving something. Once you have a grasp on the language it may also be useful to contribute to some open source projects that interest you. I wish you luck in your programming journey!