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Everything posted by Jaxzzzzz

  1. Which is why im saying he should buy it while it is on sale
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-Gold-Full-Modular/dp/B07JFLBN3K/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=650%2Bwatt%2Bpower%2Bsupply&qid=1584023558&refinements=p_n_special_merchandising_browse-bin%3A2210852011&rnid=544494011&s=electronics&sr=8-9&th=1
  3. if you say so, anyway 110 seems steep for a 650 watt
  4. yea im happy with the T60, although I usually end up listening to my heavily modded m1060c's
  5. It is if he plans to overclock at all (which hopefully he is otherwise why get an x series and an x570 board) Its gonna be cutting it close
  6. you can code on almost anything that runs windows and for comp gaming 32 is overkill and unless your already serious about editing id just start with 16
  7. Thats what ive been hearing for the most part I think, if i can ask why didnt you like them that much overall
  8. Not too sure on the ripjaws kit and 3200 is a bit slow for a rig this kitted out
  9. In an adverse way?
  10. 3600 is the recommended for ryzen but 3200 is alright and yes make sure its going to play nice with 3rd gen ryzen I just upgraded from a 2600 to a 3600 and my existing ram was just not having any of it so i had to get a new kit
  11. its gotta be EPYC based right like thats a server board
  12. I would up the PSU wattage 650 is cutting it a bit close
  13. this is possibly the strangest thing ive seen in tech for a long time
  14. did you find the base to blow up at all with the thicker ZMF pads (ive tried both cowhide and suede)
  15. hey so basically I have a pair of t60s and I was wondering if anyone has any favorite pad choices for them.
  16. snag a pair of used Vokyl Erupts off ebay
  17. wait so what exactly is your question
  18. Steve just loves airflow so he can let his gorgeous locks flap in the breeze
  19. Ya its basically reddit with less racial slurs
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