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  1. I don't agree with you linus , cursive hand writing helps the brain link different things together according to a research. Also for dyslexic people it does wonders, 1 in 5 people are dyslexic.
  2. I don't agree with you linus , cursive hand writing helps the brain link different things together according to a research. Also for dyslexic people it does wonders, 1 in 5 people are dyslexic.
  3. Do a review of GTX 980 non reference with the gigabyte
  4. Colour E-ink display, is it the future display tech ? what do you think ? Should manufactures and big companies start giving it more attention ? It frustrates me that , there is less development on this tech. Advantages (Compare to other display tech) #Minimum eye Stain #Best visibility Under the sun #Paper like colour feel #Lowest power consumption # Whites and Blacks are truly white and back
  5. I think google did this for Microsoft but not Ubuntu because Ubuntu is free unlike windows