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The fire alarm just went off and about half the school just peaced the fuck out because there scared there gonna get shot and it was unplanned and sent by the office. not sure if thats smart or dumb but I cannot even call me parents to see if they want me out because T mobile got no service in the inner part of the school


If I die I want everyone to now that my school photo is intentionally bad to scare lunch ladies.



EDIT* air conditioning burned out and fire started a bit and yeah shit

  1. PCGuy_5960


    Hmm, I didn't know that your school's fire alarm was pumped up kicks

  2. Eduard the weeb

    Eduard the weeb

    I being 100% serious kids with cars drived off and kids are getting picked up by there parents left and right.

  3. NoRomanBatmansAllowed


    TBH parents going to pick their kids up is even worse than just the kids hiding inside the school.
