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    Jack of All Trades, Master of None

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  1. NVidia stopped giving out game codes for this very reason. They now provide you the free games when you register the GPU on their website.
  2. Agreed. A lot of folks steer clear from water cooling gear and the folks into water cooling will be very comfortable putting the water cooling block back on themselves.
  3. Unless it was broken in the first place, but if you wanted to return it you shouldn't have baked it in the first place.
  4. @Cruorzy I agree. I remember when I first discovered GROUP BY and sub queries in SQL. The power of them blew my mind. But I remember learning Web development and I definitely learned PHP really well first, with just enough SQL to scrap by, then drove into advanced SQL techniques, server management, etc. Server management was the big one.
  5. Only reason not to use Windows Server in my opinion is budget. It just works and is very easy to maintain.
  6. If you feel like experimenting post your code revisions here and I am sure we all would be happy to steer you in the right direction. I understand not wanting to learn PHP and SQL at the same time. SQL is almost a programming language in itself.
  7. Plus MySQL support is built into PHP. http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.overview.php There is also a great wrapper class for database work called EZSQL. Wordpress uses a fork of EZSQL in its backend code: https://github.com/ezSQL/ezSQL
  8. PS. Its also probably easier to just make a basic wordpress website, but I do think its important to understand how the PHP behind Wordpress works so you understand when Wordpress is working against you.
  9. @-iSynthesis Alright. All of this comes with the disclaimer that there are so many things wrong security wise with what you are doing here, but I do understand the importance of learning the wrong way to do something to help you work toward the right solution. I am a professional Web developer. Don't use $_GET, use $_POST. There is a character limit on the get array due to it being processed from the browsers URL bar (limit ~2048 characters). Its probably easier to write to a file (this is basically a flat file database) and in other-site.php put that files contents into the html output.
  10. Alright. I'll just let them delete this then. Sorry all.
  11. Stupid question, as OP can I delete this?
  12. Thanks I'll delete it. Honestly I brainfarted on it being from 2012
  13. This was a crazy good read on the life of John McAfee after he left McAfee. https://www.wired.com/2012/12/ff-john-mcafees-last-stand/
  14. Have to looked into the new Ryzen CPUs and Motherboards? If you are going for good performance on the cheap, AMD CPUs have always been the way to go in my opinion. Building a custom PC is no where near as hard as it used to be. 95% of the time its simply plugging the components into the right spots, turning it on, then booting from USB to install Windows. Honestly the hardest part most of the time is simply picking out the components so I would start by setting a budget for you build and start pricing things out. I am sure the folks here would be happy to help you pick out parts.