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Me when I haven't saved the Excel file in the last 12 seconds: 


  1. Tristerin


    Until I got my workstation, that was me every time I hit "Refresh" on my pivot tables.  

  2. Zando_


    @Tristerin lmao tru, even with just a thousand or so numbers my mid-2012 MBP took a sec to refresh when I was messing around with pivots last night. 

    For this it's more I compulsively save the workbook every 5 seconds or so, I have it mapped to a press of my middle mouse button and I tend to spam that. I feel sorry for anyone else with their dropbox notifications on though, since it notifies everyone else with access to these files any time I save 😂

  3. Tristerin


    lolol I do the opposite, not save enough, get crash, rage like demon fire, rinse repeat
