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Oh and you can just set light/dark mode on a schedule, same as night shift: 


  1. AlTech


    Kek. Call me back when IOS 13 is stable xD

  2. Zando_


    @AluminiumTech Has been for me, betas were pretty stable too. It's also much, much snappier and less clunky than 12.4.1. 

  3. Zando_


    I think I've had a couple half-second derps but I've also been downloading everything at once like an absolute madman (from my about 100 apps or so to a bunch of new games to try out while also downloading movies from prime video and netflix and having it sync over my nearly 40GB of photos and try and index all of them). Once I have everything actually set up I doubt it's gonna act out on me. 

  4. AlTech


    K. Downloading the update.


    I noticed ARKit 3 is only available on A12 Bionic or newer. Sadface.

  5. Zando_


    Probably due to the older chips not having the horsepower or else they need some tech that's only on the A12 and newer. 

    Also Apple is still signing 12.4.1 so if you decide you hate 13 you can just restore back to it. 

  6. AlTech


    I'm also surprised that IOS 13 is delayed for iPod Touch 7th gen. And how watchOS 6 is delayed for Series 1 and Series 2 Apple Watch

  7. Zando_


    Interesting. I have a Series 3 watch so I can (and am) updating to 6 right now, how long is it delayed for the others? macOS Catalina is also coming out much later than macOS versions have in the past. 

  8. AlTech


    For the iPod Touch 7th gen it's delayed until the 24th September.


    For Series 1 and Series 2 watchOS 6 it just says later this fall. Presumably in October or November.
