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  1. Tech_Dreamer


    *sigh* not this dude at it again. making a video ahead of RNC, how about making a detailed video ahead on your own buddies political deals or is that a no go zone to keep network heads pleased, daddy wont fund your fun house 'career rooted' show if you do that & would be out of the job in a week & blacklisted like some of the people in the industry hes working for.

    Condensing his main points here >> since he missed critical countering details



    expensive & pointless : what is he talking about here? doors are pointless too to stop break ins, we still have em for reasons. becomes critical when it's a large nation. whats expensive? 10-15 billion wall or a 90+ billion annual tax funded economic impact resulting off of illegal immigration?  bet Oliver lives in an apartment room without pointless doors or pointless gates to protect the premises too on his guarded gated community.


    Super duper wall : better than super duper imaginary line liberals with rose glasses sees as an open invitation, same people that sees a wall or any form of obstruction there as racist. and actual tested stuff working  to deter more than 90% of the illegal border hopper


    Steve bannon: yup,  scammer. thats on him especially when the 8+ bill was approved later & he kept it active for personal gains.


    wall pageant : yeah, pouring 1000 tons of concrete per mile is inefficient & far excessively cost bearing, he listened to I.C.E officials recommendation & asked to bring up prototypes for a border-wall for not just 10 years, but for 100s-1000's easily repairable segment-wise if broken in one portion when probed. has sensors to alert officials when needed. fun fact concrete needs months to properly to hold that weight as well. settle in, one of the reasons it 's a slow progress but it's happening. doing far better job than the existing "fences" .


    wall climbing video : 2 fit people breaching, not 1000's each day easily walking or hoping through low height/weak fence. go ahead Oliver make a video about climbing it yourself just like that. see if everyone or anyone can do it the same way in that time. other videos show slowing down the progress & border patrol truck approached them on the other side, some stuck on top of it due to height, others tripping sensors & alerting patrol. didn't show those videos. just one very specific one available to say a certain marked point.


    putting wall where we them doesn't make sense:  almost as if people use these semi-breachable parts to cross over making the followup parts obsolete. a sensor tapped wall would be nice to differentiate legal border lines as well, Just like any other nation. there are some extreme spots where it is impossible to cross over easily. they are not building it over there, but he didnt say that in this.


    Wall costing 15 Billion: **looks at triple digit in billion each year for illegal crosses in tax payers money versus one time fixture lasting upto generations**. Whats his point again? saving money? guess which one is saving actual money & on top securing the nation.


    Funds from pentagon: tidying up the school premises for molds versus a nation security issue of literally 1000's of hardened criminal entities crossing each day in with drugs & human trafficking issues.. Hmmm..what should be critical?? common sense should be kicking in about an hour for the faint of heart. im pretty sure Oliver can dive off of his lavish 10 million apartment he bought recently with HBO money & fund those kids places to have better conditions & live like a regular person. i'm pretty sure a man complaining about other can do it by example.


    Fischer Gravel : literally just One of company approached to be contracted among 100s of others, i agree that it's a corrupt entity with it's track history, But Oliver talking like hes building the entire wall for him. i'm pretty sure he devoted the time on just this one because other couldn't picked up on other companies favoring him to be bad & be matched to the end point he was trying to make.


    he extends to far end allegations on older past employees. I'm pretty sure hes concerned about the company doing all that because he's literally working for entertainment company that ironically happened have all those accusation stamped on them as well. sexual discrimination lawsuit, pornography,defrauding. you name it. perks of Hollywood lobby gang.


    Trump have people Tear gassed : literally original video showing to be tear gassed from a blocks away from aggressive "peaceful" protestors refusing to follow order, Plus it was AG's call. But you gotta make it sound like he himself ordered to get people teargassed for photoshoot so that it would sound as he's the baddie.


    Holding bible photo: i'm pretty sure Oliver thinks people who burned the same church 2 days ago with moltov behind that photo are peaceful protestors that shouldn't be held accountable & Him standing next to it holding the bible was the worst thing that happened there.


    Devastation we predicted : what devastation? devastation for his ideology probably. we have border crossing cut down in historic proportions,  human trafficking reduced, drug mules cut down heavily.  what devastation is he talking about? we had a CNN main anchor Acosta standing at the fresh border wall saying it was peaceful & nobody is trying to come in. ironically he was trying to say there wasn't a migrant crisis as trump said to make him sound wrong on the news session but it was due to hampered border wall crossing & migrants were looking for easier paths to cross.


    not a functional barrier & monument to trump : is he desperate at this point? it's not working, it's not working, it's not working, when i see it it reminds me of trump & it's a monument to him. meltdown to person imaginary opinions versus real world facts that it cut down border crossing in historic proportions the country never seen before. I'm pretty sure he'll read the numbers drop & apprehensions that amped up since his taking over at the office. but wont do that on a TV show meant to propagandize carefully picked & meticulously inflated info & no presents no countering portions that refutes it.


    I'm pretty sure an out of touch career comedian whose peak is getting payed millions for meagerly reading a script written by 10-15 other skilled employees on his behalf knows what the reality of the situation is & has looked into in depth & fine details.


    like i've said it in the past, a whole of these focused surface drama contents has superficial acting & thin coated fact traits, they deliberately wont go in-depth details to do meaningful rooted discussions to counter nor present close present facts that counter it.


    same as i said like local religious preachers & pastors on a provided stage with no objective set of judges questioning back . they will interleave opinion based & superficial facts to make up a believable story to project a preset info to the audience, they will survive among responsive audience & positive turf, But wont face an objective set of questions coming from an objective crowd/judges.
