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  1. Tech_Dreamer


    might be weird to say this, is it kinda good?  because the results in terms of "the big picture" considering a very safe society.  is far better than those countries with loose laws that have criminals wandering out to go do shit a second & or third time before convicted properly.  He only puts up only one confirmed case example & rest of it being presumption out of thousands of convicted cases. which is expected of any judicial legal system run by a biased set of ideologies making an organized decision.

  2. lewdicrous


    It can be good or bad depending on who you ask; the political leaders certainly like the fact that the crime rate is low, but those who get wrongfully convicted definitely think it sucks.

    Personally, I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I sent someone to jail over false charges. 

  3. Tech_Dreamer


    I've said it in the past,  I'll say it again. we need an AI oversight. a fully automated intelligence with no bias that will quarantine threats as it is without looking at anyone's face,status,power or position. but it will come with heavy surveillance.  No immunity for anyone.

  4. lewdicrous


    While I partially agree, AI is still made by humans who are inherently biased and if the AI is made using machine learning, then there's a non zero chance of it developing a bias at some point.


    Still worth looking into.
