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Try to reach 10,000 shitposts in one year? Should I even bother?

  1. mech


    You can do 1500 in 3 days... I believe in you!

  2. Starelementpoke


    I believe in you. Do what I was not able to.

  3. LienusLateTips


    @ScrappyZeDog I have until February 26... I should try since I have done 400 in 2 days before, especially since there are many arguments right now.

  4. mech


    I thought you meant like in 2017... but if you have until Febuary 26, you should be able to.

  5. Eduard the weeb

    Eduard the weeb

    its possible clearly 


    but worth it tho idk?

  6. ARikozuM


    Join me in conquering this land! 

  7. LienusLateTips
  8. TopHatProductions115


    Yesh, and you shall rule the land of Sh*tposts...
