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  1. They look like waffle fries in the right side of the bucket. And yeah IDK what this timing is, they either just thought of this project or they've been sitting on it for a while and just now decided to launch it since the market seems stable at the moment?
  2. Original article from coindesk.com. KFCs in Canada accepted Bitcoin during a limited time promotion when customers ordered their "Bitcoin Bucket" ($20 + $5 delivery fee) through their website. KFC did a live stream on Facebook of a "Bitcoin Bucket" with a real time representation of $20 CAD in Bitcoin during this promotion. The "Bitcoin Bucket" can be purchased here, however it currently appears to be sold out. Image taken from KFCs announcement tweet:
  3. That would be quite the impressive volume if you managed to break a mic that's not a ribbon mic, I'd say try plugging it into a different computer or something that can record audio to see if it's your audio input that's broken. And amazon should let you return it if it broke within 30 days of purchasing or something like that.
  4. Yeah I need to get a better CPU but I'd have to upgrade my motherboard and get DDR4 ram too, that's gonna cost me a lot
  5. whoa, that's quite the power supply you got there. #overkill #2GBOfRam? #sadface
  6. was that supposed to be a "when life gives you lemons" thing at the end or was it just random?
  7. #ROGRigReboot Man it was tough fitting it in 60 seconds but with how many submissions there are that limit is understandable O_o I made this sort of last minute, although I was trying to brainstorm how to make an enjoyable video for anyone who watched it and this is my 3rd attempt at it. I even threw some addressable RGB LED strips into my case (that was part of my second attempt which was a 60 second RGB mod) and threw together some scripts to make it all pretty, now I have the best desk toy ever to look at. Edit: it would be a shame not to include this extra clip anywhere even if it didn't make it into my video, so here it is.
  8. So I heard Luke mention on this weeks WAN show that he was making a Haunter themed laptop and was looking into stickers to put on the back and also mentioned he wanted to do something with wallpaper engine. So me being a bored web developer who stays up to late anyways, decided to make a wallpaper engine app for this, I'm currently playing around with Pixi.js (a WebGL rendering engine) and whipped out illustrator, drew some graphics and animated them as best I could in my current state, I'm planning on improving this animation in several ways, including animating the teeth separately from the mouth or drawing a path in pixijs instead of an SVG and sort of apply a tearing effect to the mouth to make it look like one solid gas object thing. You can check out my current version here: http://opl.io/bg/haunter/ (works on mobile too) I tried implementing video (still in the code, commented out right now) but the video stuttered a little and I thought the smoke stock footage I had looked a little far off of the illustrated look that Luke seems to be going for. For now the animation just does some squishing/stretching to the eyes and mouth to try to imitate a since of 3d rotation and I definately plan on fine tuning that part to look better. Future plans for this include color customization, color changes matching the time of day, possibly other pokemon, and maybe even a few various preset animations for haunter to cycle through. This is just whipped together for now and I'll look into improving it over the weekend, any suggestions? Also could someone tag Luke or something? I don't know how. I have a general interest in making things for wallpaper engine, but the only other thing I've made so far is this: http://opl.io/bg/add_orbs/ (BTW if Luke also wanted SVG's for cutting out haunters face, here are the ones I made, they're pure white but if you pull them into illustrator you can change that.) http://opl.io/bg/haunter/haunter_mouth.svg http://opl.io/bg/haunter/haunter_eye_left.svg http://opl.io/bg/haunter/haunter_eye_right.svg
  9. console.log(window.innerWidth + " x " + window.innerHeight); if (2+2 === 4) { alert("math still works"); } JavaScript is as readable as you want it to be, since it's loaded into the web browser usually it's minified and looking at libraries like that can be pretty annoying but luckily most libraries have the source code lying around on their sites. It's about as easy to read as C# or PHP IMO. (basically what mikat said)
  10. I made this screensaver thing a little while ago in JavaScript using PixiJS, you can see it in action here: http://opl.io/bg/add_orbs/ it's only 87 lines but you can tell in one look that it's not optimized for minimum linelyness. var stage = new PIXI.Container(); var renderer = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, {backgroundColor : 0x000000}); PIXI.settings.SCALE_MODE = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST; renderer.autoResize = true; document.body.appendChild(renderer.view); PIXI.loader .add("images/grey_blured_circle.png") .load(setup); var things = []; function r(min,max) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min))+min; } function addThing (number = things.length, create = false) { if (!create) { thing = new PIXI.Sprite( PIXI.loader.resources["images/stone_tile.png"].texture ); thing.x = r(0,window.innerWidth); thing.y = r(0,window.innerHeight); thing.scale.x = r(0,100)/50+0.25; thing.scale.y = thing.scale.x; thing.tint = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF; thing.blendMode = PIXI.BLEND_MODES.ADD; things[number] = { sprite: thing, offset: { x:r(10,100)/100, y:r(0,50)/100-0.5 } } stage.addChild(thing); } else { things[number].sprite.scale.x = r(0,100)/50+0.25; things[number].sprite.scale.y = things[number].sprite.scale.x; things[number].sprite.x=-things[number].sprite.width; things[number].sprite.y=r(0,window.innerHeight); things[number].offset.x=r(10,100)/100; things[number].offset.y=r(0,50)/100-0.5; things[number].tint = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF; } } function removeThing (thing) { things[thing]; addThing(thing, true); } function setup() { for (var i = 0; i < window.innerWidth/50*window.innerHeight/300; i++) { addThing(); } }; var start = Date.now(); var cam = {x:0,y:0}; window.addEventListener("resize", function () { renderer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); }); function tic() { for (var i = things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { things[i].sprite.x += things[i].offset.x*5; things[i].sprite.y += things[i].offset.y; if (things[i].sprite.y > window.innerHeight || things[i].sprite.x > window.innerWidth || things[i].sprite.y < -things[i].sprite.height) { removeThing(i); } } renderer.render(stage); window.requestAnimationFrame(tic); } tic();