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  1. Can you please fill in this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeA11rrXbtMEnO5oO75cNdFKOW1AxRLDjodWuJ3YbMY5nrxKQ/viewform Also here's the data if you want to look: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BHwP2e6YjFsBUHa8lrndvaaouOqTm0iFzhxFUdhDxog/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Would it be a enough to justify getting a new router that will have the modem built in?
  3. Will using a seperate modem on my network lead to more or less packet loss? Provided that both the router and modem are of the same performance.