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  • Biography
    Java/C# programmer


  • CPU
    i5-4690k @ 3.5ghz
  • Motherboard
    Asrock h97m Pro4
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  • GPU
    r9 290
  • Operating System
    Windows 10/Elementary OS

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  1. Big or small, I want to see what you guys have made. Be it a calculator for your class or a full 3d game. However for the safety of everyone on the forum I have a few rules for posting: 1. Please provide a link to virus total with the scan results of your program 1. (If you're willing) Provide the source for the program. This not only helps ensure your program isnt malicious, but really helps others to learn. Please consider it. With that said, I look forward to seeing what you guys have made
  2. Oh yeah I have heard of it I forgot. I might get it to be honest it sounds cool
  3. What's Rainmeter? I've never heard of it before. I've been trying to learn powershell but the syntax turns weird to me Stuck with batch I guess
  4. So partly for my own curiosity, and partly to (hopefully) prove a point, I wanted to know what languages you guys are working with right now. Either in your personal life, in school, at work, whatever. The point of this is not what language do you normally use, or prefer, but the one you are actually using in your day to day life.
  5. The general message im trying to give is avoid unnecessary function calls, im not getting down to like the assembly level
  6. As a general rule I would agree, but in the context of optimization I assume every instruction counts. Most programs will never need to be optimized. They can just run and be fine. But some cases it's really important to optimize them, (ie sorting algorithms), and readability should take a hit. Your code should be documented anyways, so you can probably find a way to make sense of the code with comments.
  7. Incase you want to learn more about the language you're using, it's called batch. Anyways, the only images you can add with batch would be made out of text.
  8. What? You made a game on Notepad? What language did you use?
  9. As a general rule this is how optimization should be thought of as. Not even specific to any language, you want to be executing as few instructions as possible. It can be damn near impossible to optimize certain things. For example: int i = 4; cannot be further simplified. This, however, could be. int i = 2; i++; i++; The result is the same, the amount of instructions required is not. This is where scripts specifically might come into play. Some compilers may see the code above and automatically optimize it to something like the first example. However, scripts don't have the luxury of being precompiled before being run, so they dont benefit from this. Obviously this is a simplistic example, but try finding instances in your code where you might take multiple instructions to get the same result as one. EDIT: Just one way you could try doing this I thought of... Try avoiding multiple function calls if you can do it in one. This may seem minor, but in situations of mass repetition (like in a loop) this could help. I'm not an expert on Javascript, but I know this to be the case in other languages. Obviously still make your functions do their job, but be conscious of how many calls you make and try to think of clever ways to reduce them.
  10. Not gunna lie Minecraft taught me Java Hater gunna hate EDIT: Also this http://imgur.com/a/McdMR
  11. Android supports other languages but it's highly discouraged by google to use them
  12. First result for "what programming languages do people use 2016" on google... https://blog.newrelic.com/2016/08/18/popular-programming-languages-2016-go/ Sources: Source 1: https://blog.newrelic.com/2016/08/18/popular-programming-languages-2016-go/ Source 2: http://www.codingdojo.com/blog/9-most-in-demand-programming-languages-of-2016/ Source 3: http://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ Source 4: https://generalassemb.ly/blog/the-8-most-in-demand-programming-languages-of-2016/ Source 5: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-best-programming-language-learn-2016/ Im sorry, people love to hate Java, but you can't get away from the truth. The truth is, employers want you to know Java, your TV runs Java, your phone runs Java, your fridge might even run Java... It's everywhere. Get over it, people like being able to write an application on an x86 windows machine and run it on an ARM linux machine.
  13. Certainly some IDEs benefit greatly from a better CPU (ie Visual Studio). As for the programs you write, it depends on the programs you plan to make. Some might gain while others may not. Some programs may gain from more cores while others may not. It depends very much on what you're trying to do.
  14. Personal opinion here, I think Java is a good first language. Save the death threats, please. Anyways, it's a fairly simple language without a lot of low level things to worry about. It's also used a lot. Like it or hate it, Java is used everwhere. It's not hard and there's lots of good resources out there to help you learn. You should give it a shot