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Cut to the end, I'd like to be taken
Apart from the inside, Then spit through the cycle
Right to the end


@Crunchy Dragon Came across this during some random YouTube rabbit hole. Love it.

  1. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    YouTube rabbit holes are fun like that.


    I've found some good music and great channels from those.

  2. dizmo


    Definitely. One of my favs has been Monica Church (well, more so her Millennial Life Crisis channel)...and I'm not even sure why ? 

  3. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Late night YouTube rabbit holes are how I found channels such as Lock Picking Lawyer, Gatis Kandis, and a few other various bits and pieces.

  4. dizmo


    Oh man I've had Lock Picking Lawyer recommended to me a few times but never watched any of the videos.

    Have I been missing out?

  5. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    They're really efficient and informative videos. It's become skill that I'd personally like to pick up as well.


    His videos are a bit like Lugermonger's; quick greeting, showcase of the subject of the video, demonstration, quick and pleasant outro.
