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Blog Comments posted by dizmo

  1. ...dear God. That's terrifying. That's one of the reasons I just like New Zealand so much more ?

    We had these in parts of the forest by my place as kids. I remember we walked into a valley and were surrounded by them, densely packed.


    It's not toxic, but the needles are huge.

  2. Seeing as you live in Australia, which of the millions of things that are trying to kill you, are you most afraid of?



    I can relate to your shy comment. I used to be super shy. I still turn a horrible shade of red sometimes even if I'm not actually feeling embarrassed or on the spot, but honestly, the best thing to do is just not give a fuck what other people think. That's not really to say, don't care about others, or don't be a good person, but do you and embrace it. It's likely something that comes with age more than anything, but it was the most relieving feeling when I finally just...stopped caring what others thought of me.


    Don't stay at a workplace for too long just because of the people....unless you're making a very comfortable salary. It's too easy to hold yourself back.

  3. 4 hours ago, Jtalk4456 said:

    I drank small, but yeah that was bad. Cheerwine is amazing tasting though and very fizzy so it helped my throat

    I don't like tea or coffee, so for me drink options are water soda milk and juice

    And god no, I got off that crap "cheese" years ago. I'm partial to havarti, muenster, and colby jack. We typically buy block cheese.

    At this point almost any veggie/fruit is more than what i'm getting, flash frozen or canned

    I'm more worried about doing it. As I said I can't motivate myself to get on a treadmill, i get bored too easily. I don't know how I can make weight lifting interesting enough to actually do it and not have the weights gaining dust

    I'll grab some of the small weights once we get tax return and I'll keep you updated. What size do you think I should start with?

    Sugar, sugar sugar. The enemy. Juice isn't much better, it's usually as bad and sometimes worse than pop. You can drink soda water. It has no flavor, but has the fizz you're probably after. Honestly, cutting out sugary beverages alone will probably have a profound impact on your health. Especially since they use high fructose corn syrup, which is actually worse than natural sugar. There was a documentary on sugar, and the CBC gave a family free groceries for 3 weeks that contained more natural items and ones that are lower in sugar. The result? Both lost considerable weight, with the husband losing about 4 - 6 inches from his waist. You really need to watch your intake, especially in the US where processed food seems to be more common and more packed with sugar.


    More doesn't equal better though. Again, check what you're eating. Sometimes the canned stuff is packed in sugar water, especially when it comes to fruits. Then I just refer you to the above rant ?


    Sometimes you have to do boring things in life. Welcome to the club. You're there to better yourself, not to have fun. If you have other friends in similar situations, see if you can make a challenge out of it.


    Haha, ah that question always amuses me, it's like when I have customers ask me if something's heavy at work. Well, I just shoulder carried the 75lb box across the store with little problem. So to me, it's light. To you, that might be an impossible feat. It's the same weight weights; I don't know how strong you are, so it's hard to suggest a weight. IIRC you should aim for something you can do 8 reps with before failure. I do curls with a 35lb free weight. I'd hope you'd at least be able to do a 20, hopefully more? I'd also consider grabbing a set of resistance bands from eBay. They're cheap, maybe $30 for a good, fully equipped kit, and a book on how to use them.

  4. 16 hours ago, Jtalk4456 said:

    1. Well I'll start with today, though today won't be typical, I'll just start today to get in the routine of tracking.

    So in laws are visiting and got pizza yesterday. This morning, I woke up late, tossed left over pizza in my lunch box and hit bojangles on the way to work. I had their SEC biscuit combo with fries and 2 cheerwine. This is overboard I know, but I'm getting over something and my throat was feeling awful so i needed the Cheerwine to soothe my throat. So today will be a pretty unhealthy day, even by my standards. When I get home, I will probably grab a bologna and cheese on either a plain bagel or 2 slices of sara lee artisano bread (the whitest of white bread, but it's amazing!!) To try and balance everything out, I'm gonna find some veggies in a can somewhere in the cabinet and eat them and an apple with the sandwich for dinner

    2. nope, got a under the desk pedaler if i remember to bring it, nope, i could, but if i'm being honest that's gonna be as demotivating as a treadmill and i'll have trouble convincing myself to do this one

    3. I'll look into this today between calls

    4. I never eat white bread!


    ummm... that was for a umm birthday party, yeah! definitely not normal behavior...

    5. But can I get my beer belly to get muscle? XD I'm not too worried about being strong, I just need the belly fat gone, so whatever works

    Ugh. Not gonna lie, now I'm hungry, and Cheerwine sounds delicious! However, we have our first demon. What size did you drink? No that it matters much. Even a single small has more than your daily recommended intake of sugar, at 56g (recommended is 50g or less). 2 larges? We're looking at almost 5 days worth of sugar intake in a single blow (or many sucks, I guess). There are other drinks than Cheerwine. A hot green tea would do the same thing, and involve no sugar. Stop making excuses ;) White bread does virtually nothing for you. It's pretty void of any nutrients. If you were eating healthier bread, it wouldn't be as bad, but we'll chalk this up to what it is: an easy way to add 2g of sugar per slice onto your daily total. Please tell me you're eating real cheese, and not processed cheese slices...which is basically just consumable plastic. Can't speak too ill of veggies in a can, but flash frozen are a little better IMO.


    Weight lifting isn't always about being strong. Muscle burns fat to maintain itself. Thus, it accelerates your goal.


    At the end of the day, if you're not willing to do drastic life changes, you're unlikely to see the results you're wanting. *shrug*


  5. 8 hours ago, Tech_Dreamer said:

    isnt it the opposite?  i knew he had a kid , but 4 a surprise to me, i was expecting one , that kinda thing is really stressful i assume.

    Depends on the person I guess. I've been super stressed. Lost even more weight ? Though, if you binge eat when you're stressed, I suppose the opposite effect would take shape.

    41 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

    1. Thanks :D

    2. I already eat separate meals, I make my kids something, then make something for myself. My diet is pretty horrible. Like i said I don't really have veggies and fruit often. The only reason I'm looking at exercise is I have an IT job taking calls at a desk, so no movement all day...

    3. I was just going by BMI calculations. To get a BMI of 25, which is the high end of healthy, I should be 200 lbs. With gaining some muscle, I'm aiming for 220. Is BMI a bad calculation to use?

    4. No Worries, I'm not one who sees a temporary increase and gets depressed and gives up. I need to see it constantly to motivate myself. If it goes up for a day, that just keeps me motivated. It's when I stop looking that I also stop doing other things I should.

    5. I'm genuinely scared to break down my sugar intake XD I'm sure it's horrible, I LOVE bread!

    6. But.. BEAT SABER!!!! MUST SWING ARMS WILDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking it slow, nothing too hard at first. *did an expert song today...definitely not pushing myself*

    7. I will give it a shot once i can afford to go grab some. I'm worried I'll lose motivation with those since it's boring for me.

    8. Are you saying my beer gut that has no beer in it ISN'T inherently sexy????

    9. I'll give it a shot, though it may be a bit before I actually remember to record that during the day

    10. I'm gonna assume you meant weight lifting, but i'm gonna keep reading how you wrote it cuz it's funnier


    i'm guessing you didn't see my status from about a month ago... #5 is on the way...

    So, what did you eat today? Break down everything you had, make a list, post it here and we can tear you apart! But actually I'm genuinely curious. I want to see what your sugar intake looks like.


    You can do things to increase your activity at work, depending on how helpful your employer is, and how much expendable income you have.

    • Get a sit/stand desk
    • Get a small treadmill deal where you can walk in place
    • Get an exercise bike that allows you to work out and work at the same time
    • Do stairs on your lunch breaks

    No, it's definitely not. Here's a decent read, but there's many other articles that basically enforce the same views.


    Though keep in mind, fitness advice is cancerous. You can often find many sources backing up one claim that might not be true. This is pretty solid though. I mean, just take into account that most football players would be considered "obese" if you were to base it on their BMI, but they're more fit than a huge percentage of people.


    I always take my friend and use him as an example. He's on the larger side, 5'9 and 240lbish. However he can go up to 255lb one day, and drop to 230lb the next. To determine if you're getting anywhere, ignore the scale and simply look at your body. See improvement? Good job, something's working.


    I just hope it's at least not white bread ? How much bread do you eat a day? Bread is simply an empty vessel for what's within most of the time.


    It doesn't take a whole lot of time out of your day. Maybe half an hour, 40 minutes at most. Building muscle will really help more than anything else.


    Haha I'm sure it floats someone's boat (or house, at this point) ;)


    LOL I think so? I can't even really remember. I typed it quickly before I left for work and was mucho tired.



  6. Get on it fatty!

    Ok, now that the shaming is out of the way...


    I'd take a hard look at your diet. I know a lot of people who think they eat pretty healthily, but when you actually break down what they're consuming, it's downright awful. If you're serious about weight loss, it's going to take a very strict diet with not a lot of wonderful things. Since you're in a family environment, it'll probably mean having a meal separate from what everyone else is eating. Yes, it sucks, yes, it's extra work and cost, but such is life.


    If you're target is 200lbs, I really hope you were originally a very slender Eastern European dude. That's way too light for that height. For comparison, I'm 5'7 and currently 170lbs. I'll probably end up being around 185lb - 195lb once I've put on the muscle mass I'm aiming for.


    I'm not sure how your wired, but I'm going to say this: don't constantly check the scale. It's not healthy. It's going to take time to lose that weight, and as long as you're feeling some gain in that area, don't bother checking. Your waist size and energy levels should show progress. Check maybe once a month. Weight naturally fluctuates quite a bit from day to day, even time to time because of your body's digestion.


    Also check your sugar intake. You'd be surprised how much sugar is in everyday things, and that's likely a massive part of your problem. Especially if you're consuming a lot of bread.

    Sugar is the enemy. Sugar is a killer. Sugar is one of the worst things currently facing the world today.


    Cardio is good, but at your size and condition, probably not the best start. Focus on diet first, and then work your way to running; it'll probably be too hard on your joints at that weight.

    Also, do not over estimate the power of weight lifting. Go to the store, buy a few free weights, and download JeFit. It's one of the better fitness apps IMO, and shows you many, many different exercises you can do with said weights. Muscle burns fat at a significantly higher rate than anything else, so the more muscle you put on, the more fat it consumes. Plus the sexier you'll end up looking ;) Just make sure you work out all areas, as you don't want to over do only a couple muscle groups.


    If you can, take a hard look at what you eat each day, and record how much sugar you intake. Do it over a 3 or 4 day period (every day), and see what you're consuming. I'd genuinely be interested to see what your sugar in take levels are like.


    I've lost 40 pounds over the past 5 months, and I'm at where I want to be to start building muscle. it's a grind, but you'll get there. Consider taking family walks. Walking a lot can definitely help. I've taken to walking home from work most nights, even in -25, and it's quite energizing.


    Hey, at least if you started smoking crack your teeth would fall out (less ability to eat food) and you're appetite would be near gone ;)


    20 hours ago, LordOTaco said:

    Two things.  Get your music player/phone.  Add a bunch of Eurobeat and DBZ music = profit.


    No seriously thats what worked for me and keeping me from being bored on the treadmill hearing the DBZ guitar get goin or the Initial D music drop instant adrenaline rush and boost to motivation.


    Also while you're trying to lose weight figure in weight lifting people underestimate how much energy is really burned off lifting weights plus for guys it is a good boost for testosterone which has its positive effects especially for weight loss


    Consider a supplement of Vitamin C nothing complicated just a basic Vitamin C pill.  Not only good for your immune system but helps counteracts the effects of cortisol (comes from stress) which can make weight loss difficult.

    Totally agree. Weight loss is an excellent way to burn off unwanted weight.

    19 hours ago, Tech_Dreamer said:

    bruh, i can imagine why you're having hard time getting on with your plan to loose weight, 4 kids. that's brutal. you have more than enough stress to focus on all. let alone yours.

    Stress can be an excellent way to lose weight ;)

  7. What's your budget? That'd be the best place to start.
    Do you do a lot of PS work, and happen to know your average file size?

    I have a friend who does quite a bit of PS work, his files can exceed 14GB. Generally with PS, the more RAM you have the better.


    Unfortunately I know little about video editing other than it likes cores.


    Do you like gaming? Is that a priority at all?
    Do you plan to overclock?



    It really depends on what you are going to edit and also your budget. I will recommend you AT LEAST 8GB RAM or 16, because more than 16 is not really needed.

    You will also need some good GPU. I think that a GTX 970 (or maybe even 960) is good enough.

    For a CPU I think that a Intel Core i5-4690K or maybe a Core i5-6600, but it really depends on what you want.

    You can check the specs of diffrent Intel Core i5 and i7 CPUs in these charts:


    Really? I'd recommend a Xeon for what he's doing. Cheaper, more cores.

  8. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($308.98 @ Newegg Canada)
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87N-WIFI Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($202.43 @ Amazon Canada)
    Memory: Kingston Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($159.89 @ DirectCanada)
    Storage: OCZ Vertex 3 60GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($110.58 @ Amazon Canada)
    Storage: Crucial MX100 512GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  ($222.98 @ DirectCanada)
    Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 270 2GB TurboDuo Video Card  ($139.99 @ NCIX)
    Case: BitFenix Prodigy (Black) Mini ITX Tower Case  ($73.98 @ DirectCanada)
    Power Supply: Corsair Builder 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply  ($79.98 @ Amazon Canada)
    Total: $1298.81
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-10 01:56 EDT-0400


