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  1. Which one is better? They're around the same price range at $15.
  2. alright thank you guys. i am going to purchase a ryzen later this month.
  3. What should I get? the ryzen 1200 cpu + b350 motherboard + ram combo for ~$250 or purchase the i5 4460 cpu+motherboard+ram combo for $100?
  4. usually they list the parts in the description. But if you want to go new, it might cost you more. I got my i5 2400 system for $100 and added a gtx 960 and it runs games great.
  5. search on ebay for i5 2400 computers (they go for $100) with the big cases and buy a gtx 1050 or any cheap good gpu.
  6. your cpu might hold you back.
  7. go with the rx 470, its $30 or less for better performance.
  8. you would need to upgrade your ram to ddr4
  9. yea, http://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=steam-winter-sale&utm_medium=search-us&utm_content=3dmark&gclid=Cj0KEQiA7qLDBRD9xJ7PscDCu5IBEiQAqo3BxCiZVu056gXl55uxS47i4ut2PNak-Jxed3idsQmAIpgaAkCc8P8HAQ download the demo and download the firestrike dlc