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People need to... Change. Like, people on these roads drive so wreckless. And it's not 'oh someone pulled out in front of me' I don't care if that happens, I just worry about their safety and whether I can stop in time. Accidents happen, whatever, but it's those people who don't slow down when someone makes an accident. I've had people who have sped up to try and hit me,do you want to go to court and damage your own vehicle? I ALWAYS slow down if someone is pulling out somewhere what's so hard about that? 

  1. Origami Cactus

    Origami Cactus

    If you dont have dashcams yet, get them. Makes life much simpler, also they are cheap.

  2. Cyberspirit


    I don't have a license yet but, people here are insane.

    Even now when everything is snowy and icy they just pull up right behind you at high speed and, won't give you any space to slow down or, God forbid, stop when you are supposed to.

  3. Hiitchy


    I live in insurance fraud capital of Canada. My parents just got into an accident not even 2 days ago. This was their second car in 5 months to have some sort of damage. Ugh.
