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Tried to buy a 660ti today from a guy and he wanted a $120 and $100 for an i5 3000 I try to explain that pc parts depreciate but nope they going for that on newegg so you buy at that price 

  1. Zando_


    Ooof.... I had a person on FB marketplace asking $300 for an MSI Gaming Limited Edition card (the green ones).... but it was a GTX 960. That same day another guy was selling two MSI Gaming GTX 970s with SLI bridge for $250. She turned down my offer and eventually dropped the price a week later, then again even later, I still don't think it has sold. 

    Some people reaaally hate listening when you try and explain depreciation or value relative to other parts on the current market. Just because someone goes at that price new or you bought it for that doesn't mean it stays that way. How do these people buy cars, do they think they'll stay the same value forever? 

  2. LHJKO


    On cars its clear the price is gonna drop you can see the use on gpu nope and when they go back to the site they purchased it like ford.com you cant still buy a brand new 2009 ford focus. but on amazon and newegg you can still buy new GPU from 5 years ago.


    I am pretty sure if you posted a fake gpu listing for an old card but severely undercutting other cards on amazon they would probably fall for it because amazon is reliable but ebay no
