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  1. There is different solution for this problem given in our Forum: https://forum.vb-audio.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1505 For any technical problems/question, feel free to use our different support resources (forum or Discord server): https://www.vb-audio.com/Services/support.htm
  2. Voicemeeter Banana is exactly made to let you manage 2 or 3 headset with a VOIP application. If you have echo/reverb effect it's surely a problem of configuration, or just a BUS assignation problem. If using several identical audio devices, you may rename them in order to let them present a different name in the Windows Playback / Recording device list... voicemeeter support and doc: https://www.vb-audio.com/Services/support.htm
  3. Voicemeeter latency is mainly pending on how you configure it. With DAW, you might connect Voicemeeter output A1 to your ASIO device and connect your DAW to Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO driver... Then you will get optimal latency (comparable to latency you have with your protools). Voicemeeter USer Manual: http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Voicemeeter/Voicemeeter_UserManual.pdf