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  1. Hey guys I am an avid CS:GO player, 700 hours, but I am only Silver III. I don't really play comp much, I always have played Community Comp and ESEA, but I am looking for some guys to start a team with because solo queuing is impossible. Here is my Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/420Pingit message me that you saw this and I'll add you!
  2. This happened to me for about 4 months. My advice, download Textra on the google play store. It is fantatsic
  3. I have been debating if I should learn Swift or some other language. I am an avid Mac OS X user, and I want to start programming apps for the Mac OS X and iOS platform. But I feel as if I could get more use out of something like C. I need some help. Thanks!
  4. I am split between Windows 7 and Windows 10 for my gaming build. What one do you prefer?
  5. I've used it before, so i will let you know if I need that in the future!
  6. Awesome dude thank you so much! I love the build!
  7. light gaming and light video editing. Games like CSGO, Terraria, Rocket League. Then I have no idea what I am going to be using for video editing
  8. So this is my first PC that I am building after having a Mac my whole life, and as I am trying to stay under $600 (that is including windows) I am on a budget. Also, I need help getting windows if possible for free . Please leave any tips and stuff I need all the help I can get. Here is the link: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Pn2Chq
  9. Hey Guys! I am a long time LMG follower (2 years), and have been on this forum for a long time. Unfortunately, the email I used for my old Forum account, got hacked and I lost all my accounts under that email. A huge pain, but oh well. I'll be doing tech reviews and such. Let this be a lesson to have 2-step verification and long passwords