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Everything posted by SLCH

  1. FeelsBadMan And some hospital too. First 2 letters of my short name + some more symbols for uniqueness in google 15 years ago.
  2. Thought you also do smth like tv commercials for big boys.
  3. 30 Hz is also good for gaming. Get more if you want.
  4. OnePlus 5 released and OnePlus 3t still costs the same. I would not count on that.
  5. SLCH


    Micro transactions subscriptions
  6. SLCH


    As they decide. By default its individual. But also there is LMG with 3 youtube channels early eaccess in 1 $3 pack.
  7. Yea, it was started in 2014. I learned it today from recent article though. At least stating that it works and not a dead project like many others today.
  8. China made an analog of USA FICO service (credit scoring) but for social life. It takes data from municipal, judicial, commercial authorities. Like Alipay (chinese paypal, used everywhere by 448 million people with $23 billion money transfered), WeChat (chinese Facebook, 938 million active monthly users) to make profile/ranking of user's life ( where you go and how much you spend, what are your interests). It is already being tested in 30 cities and is planned to go all country in 2020. The most massive atm is Zhucheng city with 160,000 parameters coming from all over the city about every one of its 670,000 citizens. In Zhucheng every citizen was given 1000 starter points. No document clearly states what you should and shouldn't do. It is only known that if your rating is more than 1,050 points, then you're a model citizen and marked with AAA. With a thousand points, you can count on AA. With 900 – B. If rating falls below 849 – you are already suspicious carrier of C rating, you will be expelled from work in state and municipal structures. And those who have 599 points and below are going to have bad time being alive. Their record is in the black list with the note D, they become the outcasts of society, they do not take almost any kind of work (even in a taxi), cant get loans, buy tickets for high-speed trains and airplanes, no rent for car and Bicycle without deposit. Neighbors avoid you like fire, because if someone sees that you communicate with the person D and your ranking also rapidly goes down. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System http://carnegie.ru/commentary/71546 Translated a little from article above to make some sort of picture. Hello Orwell 1984 ? Or such ranking is a must have in our modern society? Like we are anyway going into electronic identification and government. There will be privileges and restrictions based on our life history anyways. And China is making a centered rating out of it today, sounds logical to me (if it works, which is hard to make in code and legal ways) I wonder if based on machine learning with enough data you could predict whole persons life or at least parts of it.
  9. @LinusTech So what you think, Linus?
  10. Another idea, make collection of PCs with top/budget components from each couple of years.
  11. SSD first, its great performance boost from hdd+4gb ram. Dont forget to move virtual memory paging to ssd (if not making clear installation of OS). But later do ram, at least to 8gb. PS If you r on budget i'd wait till black friday. Got 750gb ssd for $100 last time.
  12. Same, monitor sizes easier to get for me using inches haha
  13. Would be lovely to see measurements in videos also in metric system. Not speaking it out loud, small labels should be enough.
  14. So crucial 750gb ssd for $100 was the best deal of this black friday?
  15. Dont really know if it can be considered as "hot deal" literally, yet great discount from original price $749. Link - https://www.massdrop.com/buy/sennheiser-hd700-headphones