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Everything posted by KNG_HOLDY

  1. english is not my native language so tbh im not sure what your question is i dont know your skill level - but you code looks "normal" to me the indention is kinda off - but that could be because the way you posted the code, i would change that to make the code more readable to make it more readable instead of doing something like x+=1; you could just do ++x; or x++; you could use template literals to make the string concatination a bit easier to read alert("Value in the text box is: " + enteredNum); alert(`Value in the text box is: ${enteredNum}` ); these are only code convention things, and everyone has diffrent convertions so do what you want with that info haha i dont write javascript code so im not sure if the next part is a best practice in js or not but i personally would use event listeners inside the javascript code instead of using on click in html just for sepreation of concerncs (clean code) - but this is nothing you should think about if you are just starting programming the only error i could see on first glance is the if part i already wrote and maybe if (score <=5){image.src = currentStars;} if (score == 5){ alert("Congrats, you know your numbers kiddo! You won!"); document.location.reload(); } performance wise it might be reasonable to switch those to statements because both conditions are true if score is 5, and if score == 5 you reload anyways so i maybe would do the reload first just so that you dont have to check 2 conditions for the case that score is 5 and you reload anyways -> cant see the changed image if (score == 5){ alert("Congrats, you know your numbers kiddo! You won!"); document.location.reload(); } else if(score <5){ image.src = currentStars; } or something like that
  2. Mathrandom() * 1 is equal to Mathrandom() so you can remove the neutral element (1) ``` if enteredNum == RandNum; score +=1; ``` the score is always added, because the body of the if-evaluation is empty it should be ``` if (enteredNum == RandNum){ score +=1; } ``` if enteredNum == RandNum; will be the reason you cant reach the alert just a hint, press ?F12? and you will get developer tools in chrome, click on console and there you can see all your errors, super easy to debug
  3. the laptop has 4gb of ram i think i primarily want to use it to parsec into my main pc so i dont really want to buy new ram for it isnt there an easy way to get the wifi driver for mac books? i really would pref a light weight os over w10
  4. Mac OS is terriable compared to everything i ever used as i already wrote, i wanted to use Linux Mint but i couldnt get the WiFi to work
  5. Hello Guys, i've got an Old Mac Book ~2012. The Laptop takes a few minutes to boot, and opening any app takes minutes. Im just Using this Laptop to Run Parsec and Controll my PC. When im at the Stage where im Connected to my PC the Harddrive is no longer a Problem and its quite snappy. Ive got an old 120GB SSD laying around, i want to install a new OS on the Machine so that i can use it for light Browsing and connecting to my PC. I already tried Linux Mint, but i couldnt get the Wifi-Drivers to work. Could you guys recommend any OS / Linux Distro for this kinda task? Do you maybe know where and how i can get the Wifi-Module to work on another OS? Ty in advcanded
  6. price to performance 3700x 3700x has lower tdp and close freq.
  7. after seeing the current (my monitor just got upgrade) video - maybe something like how to create your own monitor stand? some crazy 3x monitor DIY / selfmade stand on the cheap?
  8. TL;DR its called webscrabbing insta will most likely block bots, therefore you maybe should take a look at some libs. like: https://github.com/instagrambot/instabot to see if your behaviour (e.g. downloading images) is supported maybe that helps it would be even better if insta has an api and some one already wrote a wrapper for it but i dont think that they (insta) would publish any kind of API-Endpoint where you can just download pictures if they dont have an api, and there is no lib that does what you want and you have to write that yourself i would use selenium (just google selenium and the programming language you want to programm in (i would recommand java or python)) otherwise nodejs has some great scrapping stuff aswell (google nodejs web scrapping) depending on your programming knowledge i would say java/python are easier to learn nodejs is using more complex stuff more frequently (promisses, lambda functions, ...) but if you already know javascript maybe go for it
  9. i wouldnt buy sd cards with OS preinstalled (its like buying a prebuild) 99.9% it will be as expensive as any other "good" 4gb sd card but they use a cheap one to make up for the lost time (installing os) and there could be maleware or something like that preinstalled just get a good class 10 card and install it yourself just google "installing (the OS you want to use) raspberry pi zero" googleing "ENC28J60 raspberry pi zero" gave me several hits i get alot of german tutorials if youre top results are also mostly german you can try "raspberry pi ENC28J60 -site:de" to exclude german TLD's
  10. yes: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/headless.md yes, but you can use a shield aswell ( https://www.amazon.de/GeeekPi-ENC28J60-Netzwerk-Adapter-Modul-Raspberry-Ethernet/dp/B0788N3TFK ) [i dont know how well both variants perform, but google is your friend] if the operating system you want to install is under ~3.5gb you should be fine, so 4 gb should be "enough" if you just use it for pihole but you should still consider speed of the card just check if they are certified for the pi zero https://www.amazon.de/s?k=raspberry+pi+zero+w+ethernet&i=computers&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/38622/whats-the-cheapest-way-to-get-network-connectivity-to-the-pi-zero just a few links for you https://www.reddit.com/r/pihole/
  11. dunno if they have a app but i really like protonvpn if you really have good reason to using a VPN i would pay for it if you dont pay for it you are the product
  12. could could install it on your own pc and see if the connection is getting disconnected otherwise you could make her screenshots step, by step how she has to install the software shouldnt take to long either
  13. maybe try something like: https://chocolatey.org/packages/malwarebytes its like apt-get but windows compatible
  14. depending on the codec the video is using you HAVE TO re-render it you can use ffmpeg to trim videos, if you know how to script you could even make a script that does multiple videos after each other ==>
  15. you prop have overwritten some styles.xml (src/main/res/values/styles.xml) if i where you i would try to change some colors till i find the right tag, the tags could be something like android:colorAccent | colorPrimaryVariant | colorOnSurface
  16. you can also write in the console would have given you just like intellisense
  17. what date are you talking about? last modified of a file, creation of a file, current date ...
  18. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5443304/how-to-change-an-android-apps-name changing the name in the header => val actionbar = supportActionBar actionbar!!.title = "YOUR NEW TITLE" i would use String resources instead of a hardcoded String btw if you are using java instead of kotlin just google actionbar title java
  19. you can implement everything you can think of in theory so just think of a design and implement it
  20. https://www.google.com/search?q=navigation+bar&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X
  21. if its always "x=y" and x & y are strings that dont contain "=" you could just split the string with '=' as delimiter and take the last part of the result "pseudo code" 1) input : String = "x=bla" inputSplitted : String = input.split("=") result : String = inputSplitted[1] //would give you "bla" 2) if its always "name=y" and y is any kind of string you should just do input : String = "name=test" result : String = input.remove("name=") 3) if "x=y" and you have a set of values that x could be you could use regex (would work for version 1/2 aswell) "test=y", "name=y", "tag=y" etc you could do something like patter := "(test|name|tage)=(.*)" where "(x_1|x_2|x_3|...|x_n") contains all your x_i of your set of possbile "tags" and use regexp to get the match for your "y" string
  22. @EL02 if you have question just post them im not sure if you know about bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/examples/ maybe this makes stuff easier for you
  23. looks good - i esp like the feature & updates part! i would problem change the font-color of your loupe to the same color of youzr title-text-color same for the placeholder text-color (this placeholder doesnt have to be same color as text-color but i would make it a bit brighter) __________ i would fix the burger menu to the top so that if u scroll it doesnt float or i would fix the entire header and make it float, this way you dont have the problem with scrolling => white background => you cant see the burger-icon anymore ___ if you have fun making websites i maybe would take alook at some backend stuff like php (laravel) so that you can build fully functional websites your frontend already looks very good!
  24. for game dev i would say c++ if you know c/c++ most other languages are quite easy to learn if you know c++, c# should not be a problem to learn in a reasonable amount of time