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jay crank

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  1. Can there be a follow up from the past segments to update them in the changes from computers to now or in a year or 2 and use sum of the footage from other segments to bring up to date.
  2. Why not just get the tank part remade and use the rest of the kit that you have there
  3. yes this is over 2 years ago and you could not do the hhd now you can run a hhd with gas in it or a ssd
  4. Can linus have a go at the mineral water computer with ssd so the computer can be submerged and will that help with the cooling.
  5. Looking to set up home network with same safety for children and monitoring of where thy get to.
  6. Thanks. So a lot of time just to think about saving much of anything.
  7. Something to getting the form involved could be having the local gov or local groups to invest in linus to bring the ppl of the forum to that region. Record it even a day and life of a worker there. Having a school kids ask some of beat questions.
  8. Just a thought what do you rely need to turn a old pc into a up to date pc. In my case a 2008 pc. 500w Some of my thoughts are Save items case, power, dvd burner, hdd ? ssd, memory ? depends on age and type, gpu would be a question non save Mother board, chip set
  9. Yes the high speed has problems and might not even work. The 3d capturing has a place. at 3min 26 sec
  10. There is sum liquids that you can use. http://www.f2chemicals.com/pdf/technical/Electrical prop.pdf this can even used for diving. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_breathing
  11. i am not a team member This topic is just interest with the thoughts for linus media group . This is trying to give most out of 1 ridge. Yes the speed of the cameras are not fast when you over lay the frames together could mage appearance of a high speed capture. With the 3d modeling if you think of the images giving you a negative image then you should be able to copy it. like this link. http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/icons_of_invention/technology/1820-1880/IC.066/
  12. cameras are getting cheap and their might be a way to use them to do more things then the bin. some of the thought have been. 1 High speed capture 2 3D modeling printing or capture
  13. Yes part of this yet make it a pond or fish tank so you can in the room instead of it. Not having the fans on it run down a water fall even have a high amount of water in reserve so the heat has more time to cool.
  14. This is not the computer but the water from the cooling blocks if you are running a water cooled cpu (main chip set)or gpu (graphic card processor) to cool your system. So a tank or pond to give a relaxing work space or even to give your ridge something new like leds to put as a point
  15. Hi i head you are after new team members.

    Why not have forum members have holidays like (monster garage) weeks with there ideas from the forum.

    Have it has a competition so you can get around the work permits  and have places in Canada help with the cost of that week hotels .This will help with cash flow pay cost and even involve  member interaction.

    Help with giving you a new income source.

    Master class from your team from new locations.

    From tech in that country or region.
