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  1. Here is the adapter that i bought for this https://www.ebay.com/itm/285065573698?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A19ba5xgWYQa2N-mG2sJcbJA26&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=285065573698&targetid=&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9061145&poi=&campaignid=17597089569&mkgroupid=&rlsatarget=&abcId=9300988&merchantid=508429672&gclid=CjwKCAiAhqCdBhB0EiwAH8M_GtMac5bjltR6fuoxSBJgvLUGj7qeGY5VuIbdA4eT-MErf97JRZDnYBoCfRgQAvD_BwE Would there be an issue with this one and if there is, does anyone have an recommendations for a decent replacement that will work
  2. I recently got a card that fits 4 NVME SSDs on them but only one of the SSDs is being detected. The Samsung 980 SSD NVME drivers aren't wanting to install either however the one that is installed in the card that works is detected in Samsung magician. Theres no jumpers or external connectors on the card Specs Windows 10 X470 gaming 5 wifi R9 5900x 32 GB ram
  3. This is one of the first posts ive made on here and im sad to make it. Thank you Linus and to every at Linus Media group for making your videos. On 1/10/2022 my best friend of 10 years was killed in a motorcycle accident, his name was Justyn Harrill. He actually met Linus once at CES 2020 and greatly enjoyed talking to you. Once Linus tech tips was created after Linus left NCIX we watched his videos almost every day and sent each other the links to new uploads just in case one of us missed them, We even went over to each others houses to watch review videos of new CPUS and GPUS like when the Nvidia 10 series or AMD ZEN launched. I thank everyone at Linus media group for these memories i will treasure forever and personally thank Linus from the bottom of my heart for making these videos that brought us together.
  4. I want to know in your opinion what is the best value 1070 for the money and why. im planning on buying a 1070 and want to know what the opinion of the masses are on this topic. the monitors used will be a 1080p monitor and a 1440p monitor with a 60hz refresh rate.
  5. I have 2 1080p displays and im happy with them but not the thermal output of my r9 390s
  6. im trying to decide what 1070 to buy but im having trouble finding what card to get. i want a 1070 that has the largest potential for overclocking and it is difficult to find a specific result online. can someone please tell me which board partner has managed to get the most MHz out of the 1070.
  7. i cant because the RAM interferes with the heatsink in the config
  8. i doubt that will solve the problem even if i had the money for a new case. the cards are about 3/8 of an inch apart.
  9. ran heaven benchmark for 5 mins on high and it still reached 95C within a few mins
  10. i started it up and the gpu temps are already a few degrees lower
  11. here are some pictures of the inside of the case. cable management is terrible but otherwise no obstructions.
  12. Here is the case,ignore the cable disaster zone, there is a fan on the bottom and an additional 120mm on the back.2 120mm fans on top and a 120 on the front. the case is on a stand to allow the bottom to get good airflow.
  13. switched them out and they are the same numbers