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Everything posted by Nallown

  1. Just like everybody else said. Don't use a rubbish "framework" like bootstrap. They're more of a Template to be honest over a framework. If you want to do something advanced with CSS then use sass and don't use a CSS template. You won't learn anything from them.
  2. Why exactly do you want to use another for statement to print out the numbers? That's just doubling the time. If you specifically want to print out the number you're adding then print it right after adding it to the array.
  3. They really do depend on each other. You can't say that the hardware should be more developed then the software. Let's say if you were to have a amazing Algorithm which solves a solution within a instance. For example you want to calculate 9*7. Well there are many ways you can calculate this, either do something like result = 0 repeat 9 times: result + 7 So basically here you'd add 7 to x 9 times which is a way to multiply, so this would run in a loop 9 times. 9 tasks will be called. Let's say we make a processor which can perform a task in 1 second, well this would mean that it would take 9 seconds to solve 9*7. But what if we swap over the numbers? 9*7 is the same as 7*9 and this instead would add 9 to x 7 times. So something like this Let's say result = x*y. x = 9 y = 7 result = 0 if x > y swap x and y repeat x times add y to result Well this would only take 7 seconds instead and let's say it would take 1 second to swap and check. So in total you safe 1 second for calculating this with good software. But we can do better. doing 10 * 7 is basically the same as moving the 0 from 10 to 7. So instead you can do something like 9*7 = 10*7-7 and the way you could calculate 10*7 is by moving the zero from 10 to 7 x = 9 y = 7 result = 0 if x + 1 = 10 result = x with 0 attached (70) - x So over here you don't even call the task twice!!! You just have 1 task, since 1 task takes only 1 second you basically calculated 9*7 in 1 second instead of 9 seconds with good software. Well you can do all of this or build better hardware which performs a task quicker. Well I'd say doing all of that would be better since developing software is much cheaper then developing hardware. changes to software is not permanent but to hardware is. But then again Software has it limits as well. I can't think of a quicker way to calculate 9*7 and because of this I could instead improve my hardware to perform a task within 0.2 seconds so I'd safe time like that.
  4. cyanogenmod is under the Apache 2 and GNUv2 license. Both are licensed as free software so the source should already be publicly available.
  5. Well there isn't really a "best" OS for programming. I'd say it depends on what you're doing and even then it is a matter of personal preference. If you're planning on doing low level programming in like C or Assembly then I'd recommend using Linux since it has the compilers and assemblers available by default without having to do any advance setup. You could easily get hold of those compilers and assemblers with the package managers that most linux distros use. If you're doing OS restrictive programming like building .net applications then you'd sadly have to use Windows to compile the code and same thing goes for if you were to program for Apple then you'd have to run osx. Otherwise you can do any sort of cross platform programming in any OS and it would depend on you whether you'd want to use the tools available for Linux or osx or possibly Windows. Have a sniffle around and see what tools are available to each OS's which you like.
  6. just look up "java enum state" on google and I'm pretty sure that you'll find many better examples
  7. public enum MethodCase { HELP("help"), MOVE("move"), LOOK_TO("look to"); private final String text; private MethodCase(String text){ this.text = text; } // Change to override @O-V-E-R-I-D-E public String toString() { return text; } } public void methodThatManagesMethods() { MethodCase methods = getMethod("The string send from the chat or wherever"); switch (methods) { case HELP: // Manage Help break; } } public MethodCase getMethod(String str) { String calledMethod = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(" ")); // Manage and set the state her // e.g return HELP if string from HELP is chosen return null; } And somewhere you could have a for loop which goes through the enum and echos it out. for (MethodCase Method : MethodCase.valus() ) { System.out.println(Method.toString());}
  8. what you'd do is have the switch states seperate from the cases, I'm not sure what language you're trying to get this done in but if it is in java then you can use enum to store the states in and instead of hardcoding the states in you could load it from the enum. When you moved away from hardcoded states you could just list from the enum instead by going through them and outputing them.
  9. Hey guys so I wrote up a tutorial for a friend of mine on how to use XDCC with IRSSI and I thought that some of you guys might be interested in it. This basically goes through some basic linux commands as well as managing things for a server. For those who don't know what IRSSI basically is, a simple plain IRC Client and XDCC is a way to transfer files over to each other. At times this is used as a alternative over torrenting when torrents aren't available so here it goes and I hope you guys enjoy it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ USING IRSSI FOR DOWNLOADING FILES FROM XDCC BOTS ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~________________________________________________________________|Step 1= Downloading and Installing IRSSI: || || Downloading and Installing IRSSI is extremely simple. It can || easily be obtained through the YUM package manager or APT || package manager. || || Depending on the Linux distribution you may have installed || it could be either one of those. || || To install a package with either APT or YUM simply run either|| the `yum` or `apt-get` command followed by `install` and the || package || || APT: [ apt-get install irssi ] || YUM: [ yum install irssi ] |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 2= Checking whether IRSSI has installed correctly: || To check whether IRSSI has installed correctly you can || simply check its version number. || || To check irssi's version simply run the `irssi` command || followed by --version. || || [ irssi --version ] || || This should print out the version number of irssi. || Now that you know that irssi is installed you might aswell || give it a try. |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 3= Connecting to a server || Now that you know that irssi installed successfully let's || try to connect to a server! || || Connecting to a server is extremely simple. All you are || required to do is run irssi and use the connect command || || To start irssi simple run the `irssi` command in the || terminal. || || [ irssi ] || || This would start up irssi for and now you can connect to any || server. || To connect to a server you simply run the `/connect` || command followed by the server address. || Let's try this out with the rizon server. || || Rizon's IRC server address is `irc.rizon.net`so let's || connect to that. || || [ /connect irc.rizon.net ] || || Once you have connected successfully it would request you to || pick a nick name. || you could do this either by calling the `/nick nickname` || || [ /nick sample-name ] || || command or wait 20 seconds and it would generate you a || temporary nick name || || Now let's quit irssi since we know that it's working fine. || Simply run the `/quit` command to do so. || || [ /quit ] |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 4= Setting IRSSI up for XDCC Tracking || To track the download progress of the files you're || downloading over DCC we will be using a plugin called || `dccstat` || || This plugin will allow you to track the progress of the || ongoing DCC downloads as well as manage them in a more || organized way || || Installing this plugin is extremely simple, all you're || required to do is download the script from the irssi scripts || page into the `~/.irssi/scripts` folder || || (To ease out the procces I will provide the direct download || to the dccstat script.) || || Let's start of by going into the `.irssi` folder. This || should be located under your root folder || To change directory you use the `cd` command followed by || the directory || || So let's move into the `.irssi` folder. || || [ cd ~/.irssi ] || || The `~` symbol indicates the root directory and followed || after that we have `.irssi` which is the folder we're trying || to access || || Now that we're in the .irssi folder we need to find out || whether we already have the `scripts` folder. || || This can easily be done by listing all the files in the || folder using the `ls` command which would list all the files || in the current folder. || || [ ls ] || || If you see `scripts` listed in there then ignore the next || paragraph within the tilde (~) || ~ || Since the `scripts` folder isn't located in the `irssi` || folder we're going to need to create it. || || This can be easily achieved using the `mkdir` command || followed by the folder name. We will be creating the || `scripts` folder. || || [ mkdir scripts ] || || This should have created the `scripts` folder. Double check || by listing the files again using the `ls` command` || ~ || || Now that we have the `scripts` folder we WILL be downloading || the script into that folder. || || First let's go into that folder by using the `cd` command || followed by `scripts` || || [ cd scripts ] || || Now let's download the script into that folder. || To do this we will be using the wget command followed by the || file URL. || || (We will be downloading the `dccstat` plugin and the url for || that is ` http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/dccstat.pl `) || || So let's download the script using wget. || || [ wget http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/dccstat.pl ] || || This should start downloading the script for you and once || it's done move on to the next step. |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 5= Installing the script || Installing a irssi script is extremely simple all you're || required to do is load it up every time you start irssi or || if you'd want then you could instead move the script into || `~/.irssi/scripts/autorun` || || For now let's load up the script manually and I'll || explaining how to automate the loading later on. || || To load up the script let's start up irssi again using the || `irssi` command || || [ irssi ] || || Now to load up the script you simply run the `/script` || command followed by `load` to load it up and the script name || In this case the script is called dccstat so let's load that || up. || || [ /script load dccstat ] || || Now you should get a notification stating that it has loaded || Let's make sure that it has loaded successfully by calling || the help command from dccstat. || || The help command for dccstat is simply `/dccstat` || || [ /dccstat ] || || Now you should get a help page printed with some commands || and what they do. || || Now that it has loaded successfully let's automate the || loading process so we don't have to load it up every time we || start irssi || || || As I mentioned earlier on to automate the script loading all || you're required to do is move the script file into || '~/.irssi/scripts/autorun' so let's do that. || || To move a file we will be using the `mv` command followed || by the file name and that followed by the destination. || In our case we want to move `dccstat.pl` (being the script) || from `~/.irssi/scripts/ to `~/.irssi/scripts/autorun' so || let's do that. || |___________| [ mv ~/.irssi/scripts/dccstat.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/dccstat.pl ] || |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| This should have moved the script into the directory. || || Double check by listing the files in the directory so let's || move into the directory using 'cd' and list the files using || 'ls' and you should be able to see it there listed. || || Now next time you start irssi it should automatically load || the script for you aswell |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step6= Configuring dccstat || Now that we have dccstat installed correctly let's configure || it to our likings. || || I'm guessing that you'd want to be able to view the progress || of the DCC downloads and also view all the progress download || || Well let's do that. First open up irssi again || || [ irssi ] || || And let's run the `dccstat` command again to view the || available commands. || || [ dccstat ] || || ( Using the page up and page down key you should be able to || Navigate up and down through the console ) || || If we go up to the top we can see that it mentions that we || need to add dccstat to the status bar so let's do that. || |___| The command for this is simply `/statusbar dccstat add dccstat` || |‾‾‾| [ /statusbar dccstat add dccstat ] || || And now let's save this using the '/save' command || || [ /save ] || || And now the status bar should appear and it should be saved || If you'd like to change any other settings then go through || the help section and have a look at what you'd like to || change. || || And now you're done! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! || You've successfully setup IRSSI for XDCC downloading now || test this out! |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 7= Using XDCC || DCC stands for Direct Client-to-Client. || This is basically a protocol which allows you to directly || transfer files over to each other with the server performing || the handshake. || || So what you'd be able to do is transfer files to each other || over a simple plain protocol. || || What some people do is host a XDDC bot, this would be a IRC || user running on a server 24/7 which is always listening for || a message in a certain format and when it receives it, it || would transfer the requested file. The message format may || be as following `/msg bot-name xdcc send file-id` || || The `msg` command would send a message the user followed by || the command. Everything after that would be the message the || user would receive. || || XDDC bots would listen for the message `xddc` followed by || `sent` and file ID. || || These bots are running on servers on a certain channel. || We will be using the `#intel` channel on the rizon server. || || Let's start of by finding a file we want to download over || XDDC. There is a site available which lists all the bots || on the `#intel` channel with the files they host and the ID || || We can search the intel database for files. The website is: || ` http://intel.haruhichan.com ` || || Find a file you'd like to download and then proceed. || || Now that you have found the file you'd like to download take || message you're suppose to send by clicking on it || This will give you a command which send the message to the || bot user with the ID || || These bots are hosted on the `rizon IRC` server on the || `#intel` channel so first we need to connect to the server || and channel. || || Connect to the rizon irc server in irssi using the || `/connect` command followed by the rizon server || || [ /connect irc.rizon.net ] || || This should connect you to the rizon server and now let's || join the `#intel` channel. || To join a IRC Channel you simple use the `/join` command || followed by the channel. In this case we're connecting to || the `#intel` channel. || || [ /join #intel ] || || And now you should have connected to the channel. || In this channel you should be able to send messages to the || bots to request the file. || Let's do that! || || To request a file simply message the user using the `/msg` || command followed by the bot username and the message you'd || send is `xdcc` followed by send and the file ID. || || This is also given to you when picking a file from the intel || site. || ( sample message: /msg CR-NL|NEW xdcc send #2312 ) || || For simplicity and small size reason to quickly download the || file I have looked for: || ` Yami Shibai - Japanese Ghost Stories 2 - 09 [480p].mkv ` || || I have picked the NL (Netherlands) Mirror since that is the || closest to me. Some bots tend to have a name format which || indicates some information ( e.g: CR-FR = CR=France ) || || When I picked my source I got the message I had to send so I || simply ran the command || || [ /msg CR-NL|NEW xdcc send #2312 ] || || And then I switched back to the IRSSI console window || Using ALT+[1-9] You can switch between windows. For example || Alt+1 will switch to the first opened window and ALT+2 will || switch to the second. || || I can see that I got a message stating that there is a DCC || send from a user and now we have to accept this. || || To accept a file simply run the `/dcc` command followed by || get and the bot username. || || [ /dcc get CR-NL|NEW ] || || This should start downloading the file for you and as you || can see in the progress bar it indicates the status of the || download. now you wait for it to finish. || || You wouldn't want to close the window since that would stop || the download so just wait....... and wait....... and done! || || The file once it's done downloading should go into your root || folder and now you can do whatever with it! |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾________________________________________________________________|Step 8= Running XDCC in background || As I mentioned before you can't close the window since this || would interrupt the download so we'd want to somehow have it || in a session which we can leave but still keep running and || come back to. || || Luckily this can easily be done in linux since we can use || something called a `screen` || || What a screen allows you to do is create terminal sessions || which allows run in the background unless if you quit them || so you can leave the session but keep it active and come || back to it. || || To create one of these session we run the `screen command || followed by `-S` and the session name. || || [ screen -S session-name ] || || The -S indicates that the next word following it will be || the session name. || || You will be using this session name to come back to it so || it's important to give it a name which you'd easily remember || I'll be calling mine `dcc` || So let's create this `dcc` terminal session! || || [ screen -S dcc ] || || now you can do whatever you'd want to in this session and || hide it by using a hotkey. This hotkey by default is CTRL+A || and then press D. So let's hide this session || || { CTRL+A --> D } || || Now you should be able to see that the terminal disappeared || Well since we were running a screen and used a hotkey the || hotkey to quit it, in fact it never quited it but instead || just hit it. || || Alright so that means that whatever was happening in that || session is still happening correct? YES! || || So you'd be able to keep things running in background and || close the terminal window without worries. || || How do I go back to the terminal session though? || Well simple! we just the `screen` command followed by `-R` || and that followed by the session name. remember I called my || session `dcc` so I'll be restoring the `dcc` session || || [ screen -R dcc ] || || And now we should be back in the terminal we left but it || still would of progressed when we left it. Hopefully by now || it should be done and if it isn't then we can again just || leave the session with the hotkey `CTRL-A --> D` and come || back to it a later time. |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
  10. java was my 2nd language after vb.net (I know, I know it's not the greatest but hey it was my first! I don't use it anymore of course unless if I need simple things done) I actually believe that java is one of the simplest C based languages out there. If you find Java being a hard language and you can't use its syntax's then you'd struggle with any sort of software development. The UX/UI devs over at where I work can even use the syntax's and understand it's basics. If you were to use any other common language then you should be able to understand the basics of java. java is actually recommended as a starter language to learn its syntax's since they are used in many other languages.
  11. Each language has it's use and advantages over others. If you don't use the language correctly then ofcourse you're doing it wrong and the results won't be as neat. You probably were using it wrong and that's why it didn't work. The same way if you were to use vb.net for game development, it just won't work out that well you probably did the same thing with java and used it in a complete wrong way you shouldn't have. It's not the language that's at fault, it's you who is at fault for using it in that certain way. You cannot say that java sucks but you can say that java should not be used in a certain way and the results won't be the same as expected when doing so.
  12. if windows seven was released in 2009... and vista was in 2006..... and windows 8 in 2012...... and windows 9 in 2015!!! 2009-2006=3 2012-2009=3 2015-2012=3 3 year time gab for 3 releases. 3.... Microsoft is illuminati. HL3 Confirmed
  13. I'd say join a programming group or, if you can then even create your own! In that group work together on projects and open source them. This would be the best practice in my opinion.
  14. sometimes steam gives you a licensing key with the game so you can obtain the key from steam and they validate it. Whether you can allow steam to validate a external copy, I highly doubt. Most of the time steam automatically validates your copy as part of the installation processes and I don't believe that steam allows you to install from a external source however, you could possibly check whether steam provides a license key with the game and find a original copy of the game which would ask you for the key.
  15. I'm not entirely sure whether you can get it down to 20gb from 200gb but as long as you have a license key then yes you should be able to download a copy in any way. Lately whenever you purchase a game whether it's a physical copy or a digital copy you don't pay for the game it self but instead you pay for the license(ofcourse you do still pay some extra fees at times for examples you may pay a little more for a physical copy). So since the game it self doesn't cost anything but the license does I'm guessing that you can obtain a copy of the game but not bypass the licensing step. So as long as you have the license for the game it self then you should be able to obtain a copy of it in any way. Whether you can pass the licensing step depends on whether you paid for the correct license or not. That is why cannot use a ps3 copy with pc vise versa, you cannot use a pc copy with a ps3. They are different licenses.
  16. I got a registered and verified account with correct details and I'm just 17. Had this account ever since I was 13 I think and been using it properly since last year.
  17. Have you tried including the src as part of the tag itself so instead of having it inside the tag, have it be the tag. Pretty much like this <video src="/videos/roomtour.mp4" controls> some placeholder if they were not to support html5 videos</video> If you were to have only 1 source then it's fine to have it be part of the tag itself or otherwise you may have multiple sources so you'd have it inside the tags.
  18. if you look closely at the code then you can see that it mentions src. This basically indicates the path of the file related to the tag. So in this case it would be the path of the video. Make sure that the source (being the src) is directed to the correct path. So if you were to have /videos/roomtour.mp4 then you must have the video placed from the root folder towards the videos folder and inside that folder.
  19. So a string is essentially just a series of characters which are placed next to each other. So what you could do is separate the characters from the string and compare them with each other. Another easy way would be to add the string to a array and use the sort method which would essentially do the same thing. The only difference would be that if you were to compare it manually then you'd have to obtain the characters from the string and compare them for each other manually but when using a array and sort it through the sort command then most things would already be done for you such as comparing the characters of each string from the array. The command would be Array.sort();
  20. Modding is actually a good practice for OOP, that's how I learned the basics of operators and algorithms.
  21. We are here to answer peoples questions of which they are interested in and not to do their homework. The most likely reason to why you're trying to get us to do your homework is because you're not interested in it so you don't bother researching it. The fact that you directly copy and pasted the question out of your assignment makes it even worse. at least ask about the things you don't understand from the questions.
  22. Many big institutes tend not to go with paypal because they always try to rip you off in any way possible. If you were to receive payments over £10,000 per day then they would start to ask you to sign a subscription where you'd have to pay a huge percentage to stick to their service. I wouldn't recommend using paypal if you were to receive big payments instead use something else such as Stripe
  23. It's known as reflection.
  24. Most big services don't tend to say "Dear customer" but instead would say "Dear username/username" or any kind of information you'd have given as your identity. Another thing would be that many phising emails tend to be extra formal and try to have top notch grammer when in fact mostly they end up failing. Official services would just write a regular email which would be acceptable and not anything super formal (unless ofcourse if it were to be a super formal service).
  25. Have a look at json_encode. That should give you some ideas on how to generate a json file properly and why you're getting these slashes. The way you'd be getting rid of these slashes is by disabling the by default enabled escaped slashes, I would recommend you to have it enabled since this would avoid interferences with quotes. If you still choose to wanting to disable the escaped slashes then you can do so in the json_encode function by parsing JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES after the data. So you would have json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); So the idea behind generating the json data correctly is to obtain values from essentially an array and have that parsed into a json object. This then would be returned as a string and then you'd be able to echo it out depending on the values. so for example you may obtain information from a get request and use that to dependently display information related to the values parsed in the get request. So you'd have a php file with some values, these values could be anything from an dynamic to a static value. Just literally anything. $fromPHPdocs = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5); These values would then be parsed into the json_encode function which would obtain that data and convert it into a correct json object. This would be done simply like so. json_encode($fromPHPdocs); The json_encode method itself returns the json object as a string, so you'd either have to store it into a variable or which I'd recommend you to do is to directly echo it out once you'd done obtaining the data. This would be very straight forward to do so and I believe that you'd know how to do this and if you don't then you simply do as following. echo json_encode($fromPHPdocs); If you were to echo this correctly then you'd have the following results after accessing the php page {"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5} And ofcourse like I were saying, this data can be dynamically generated so if you were to parse dynamic values into the array then you'd have a different output coming from the php page depending on the values parsed and also like I was saying you'd be able to implement this with a get request so you'd have the dynamic data vary depending on the values parsed in the get request. So for example if you were to obtain the values listOfLetters, maximumValue in the get request like so https://localhost.com/thePHPfileGeneratingJSON.php?listOfLetters=a+c+e&maximumValue=3 Then you could have the php file obtain these values and use them to dynamically generate the json data and echo it. If you were to use these values correctly and only list the mentioned characters and mentioned maximum values then you would have it just return {"a":1, "c":3} So the idea was that you toke these values and only displayed the mentioned Letters and only showed values up to the mentioned maximum value. If you don't know how to use get request then read up on it since it's very useful especially when generating a JSON file