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I just learned that tfw was "that face when".

things make a lot more sense now

  1. DVA


    tfw you didn't know what "tfw" meant. 

  2. DVA


    @Levent it's just a dumb meme because apparently bloods (the gang) can't use C's. So they'll say bookie instead of cookie, so dumb. 

  3. Cyberspirit


    I had no idea what that meant until now. :D

  4. Origami Cactus

    Origami Cactus

    I always thought it was "that feel when" 

  5. DVA
  6. Jtalk4456


    @Levent @DVA no clue what the crap you guys are talking about...

  7. DVA


    @Jtalk4456 TFW actually means "That feel when" or "That feeling when"

    Maybe you thought it meant That Face when, but that's because people usually put a face with it. 

  8. Jtalk4456


    @DVA the part i didn't get was you talking about the b emoji or something like that. As for tfw, i saw someone write it out as that face when, so i assumed that to be correct

  9. Cyberspirit


    @Jtalk4456 The B emoji meme is just about people replacing the first letter of a word with the B emoji.
    I believe it came from Joe from Family guy pronouncing Peter as "Beter".

  10. Jtalk4456


    that seems..... pointless

  11. Cyberspirit


    It is but, it's a thing for some reason.
