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Okay, what the f*ck did just happen. Here's another story time for ya'll that's even more shocking that my fish story and really shook us all up rn. 


So my GF parents are divorced but both have had new partners for years. 

Her dad just now (Saturday) proposed to his GF to marry him and she said yes and we all celebrated very big. 

Today, or basically an hour ago, her mom calls saying her BF (after 9 years) had an affair for almost half a year and he's moving out rn. 


What. The. Fuck. 


He was basically THE guy you'd think to not have an affair ever. That's how wrong you can be. Damn. 

  1. Windows7ge


    I'm confused. So, her dad proposed to his gf and almost at the same time her mom calls to say her bf had cheated on her?

  2. FloRolf


    Correct. Crazy right? 
