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I have pain in my right lag.

First Google search -> Heart Attack

Me: "okay, don't freak out now..."

Second Google search -> Cancer

"Okay, i'm ded, RIP."

  1. 2FA


    Is the pain near a joint or just general pain? 


    also, rip

  2. FloRolf


    No it's more in the lower leg and into the foot.


    The more i read the deder i get. I just read that my sexual functions can also be affected lol.

  3. Dackzy


    oh come on, you probably just sat wrong or were more active than you normally am....


    I wouldn't be worried, I am used to that shit and I can tell you don't worry. Unless we are talking about more than a day or two

  4. FloRolf


    Well i had it half the day tomorrow and now since noon today. Kinda worries me but let's see the next couple days.

    I also didnt do shit nor sat too much or bad.

  5. Dackzy


    eh you probably just did something that hit a muscle a bit wrong


  6. Tech_Dreamer
  7. manikyath


    google searching symptoms always ends with cancer...

  8. FloRolf


    It still feels super weird. If it's not better by Thursday I'll find a doc. 
