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Single Infinity

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Everything posted by Single Infinity

  1. Looks pretty good. I'm not familiar with drop.com though. Can you vouch or is this just from searching? E: Never mind, turns out this is just the new URL for massdrop I guess. This is good timing and I'm going with this.
  2. I looked into that one previously but the more recent reviews hit at a lot of quality issues so shied away.
  3. I'm finally willing to spend some money on a decent(ish) chair. I'm looking for suggestions matching the following criteria Comfortable for smaller people (5'7", 145lb) Price range $100-300 USD Preferably something available with prime Adjustable arm rests Colors/materials aren't particularly important to me What are your guy's suggestions?
  4. Vessel: Single_Infinity https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf- Storage https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0- Hard pipe
  5. Topic says it all. I got a 2DS with the afformentioned games. What else should I look at? Edit: SSB is Smash Bros, guys. C'mon now.
  6. I'm not sure if I did some terrible math, or if the solution check is broken. Any insight? Wolfram Alpha verifies this solution for me as well.
  7. Each method just broke down a piece of what I assumed the recursion would take care of into separate pieces. eachNumber figures out the number of each factorial, based it fitting in the base(givenInt). Stringbuild just put them into a string including asterisk and exclamation point for final output. For clarity, that bit of code was to help me figure out what I was doing, and none of it will be in my final product.
  8. The small blurb above states it doesn't show pieces that have leading zeroes. They need to be shown, but I figured debugging code that I'm not going to actually use is pointless. Also, as I said, I understand basic recursion, but it's been quite a while since I've touched Java at all, and am having to for a discrete structures class. Am I missing some glaringly obvious solution?
  9. I understand the basics to recursion, although I haven't done it in a while. My issue is partly figuring out how to set up a cantor expansion in logic.
  10. I think you misunderstand. I need to output a cantor expansion. The cantor expansion for 256 = 2*5! + 0*4! + 2*3! + 2*2! + 0*1! , where ! is factorial. As far as I understand, I need out find the largest factorial that is lower than the input, find out how many times it is used, and continuously do that with the remainder till there is none.
  11. I need to write a bit of recursive code that outputs the cantor expansion of a base 10 number. The cantor expansion is as follows: x = an n! + an-1(n-1)!+...+a11! I'm not really sure where to start with this. I got a semi-working bit of code that does this with loops, but I need it done recursively. Any help is appreciated on starting this. I understand basic recursion. A major problem I'm having is setting up logic for a cantor expansion using recursion though. Loop code (doesn't display pieces of expansion with leading zeros, but needs to). public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { int givenInt = 256; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { String built = stringBuild(givenInt); System.out.println(built); String check = "" + built.charAt(2); givenInt = givenInt % computeFactorial(Integer.parseInt(check)); // remainder } } public static String stringBuild(int givenInt) { int n = eachNumber(givenInt); int multiple = givenInt / computeFactorial(n); return multiple + "*" + n + "!"; } public static int eachNumber(int givenInt) { int n = 1; int result = computeFactorial(n); while(result < givenInt) { n++; result = computeFactorial(n); } n--; return n; } public static int computeFactorial(int n) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { result = result * i; } return result; }}
  12. I really love the front facing speakers and that Dbrand decided to give you a phone to review, considering how surprised I was at the improvements.
  13. I like it for the i7 and upgradability in terms of ram.
  14. 10 dollar panasonic headphones that are unbreakable, and have half decent sound quality. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003EM8008/ref=oh_details_o09_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. The ones in the CS lab at my uni run 8 gigs of ram and Xeons. Most of the rest of the computers in the school run 4770k's.
  16. 780 is much better price/performance right now. If you really have a ton of money burning a hole in your pocket, I guess you could get a 780 ti, but the price per performance ratios aren't great.
  17. Full Metal Alchemist (both, brotherhood and the original have different stories) and of course Dragon Ball (all of them except GT, which I can only explain as "not lore friendly").
  18. Are you using the connection wired or a wireless card? If so is it b/g/n or a/c? Is there anything that could interfere with the signal for you?
  19. Could wait for the Corsair RGB mechanical later this year. If you've got the money and the time I'd suggest it.
  20. If he wants a 1250W PSU he might as well stuff as many 780ti's as he can in there too.