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About ckarpysz

  • Birthday Mar 17, 1985

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  • Location
    Montreal, QC
  • Occupation
    Software Developer, Beer Brewer

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  1. Are we just going to ignore the non descriptive clickbait title. It's not that I don't care to watch to find out but it makes searching the massive backlog of videos frustrating.
  2. I expected more from LTT. I often love their showcases because they're sponsored content for potentially cool hardware. This looks like snakeoil. I'm disappointed in the integrity of allowing this kind of content just to make a few dollars.
  3. No. This is a product overview. You are 100% incorrect and have no idea what are you are even arguing about. </thread>
  4. What is wrong with your brain? You need to grow out of this internet warrior thing quickly because it's not endearing.
  5. I think you mean the FTC. I also think you are confusing law with guidelines. I also don't think you understand the issue, because he does disclose paid advertisement (lynda, squarespace), how he received review product (paid, provided by) or who provided items for other non review videos. Everyone needs to take a deep breath. Life isn't black and white and you can't depend on everyone to help you out with that. Even with law - companies will skirt around it without breaking it to deceive you. I think there is a different underlying issue here which has nothing to do with disclosure. I'm more concerned with the internet outrage on display than the fact that a few videos might have slightly blurred lines that if you have any ounce of free thought you can decide for yourself about the video.
  6. That's insanity. Linus makes it clear what is sponsored, what is paid for and what was provided by a company. If you are unable to recognize the difference between a review, a product spotlight or a sponsored video then this is a fault that is your own. The stupidity literally hurts my brain.
  7. I always forget, 34inch widescreen is equivalent to what size if they're two screens?
  8. chriskarpyszyn https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6
  9. I've been looking to replace my cheapo box store chair with something like this because I saw a decent deal at Costco. Trying to find something in the $200-400 range since I sit on my ass all day - but this seems to be a bit gimmicky and probably a terrible quality/price purchase.
  10. Ya- that's the thing. Just couldn't find anything on NCIX or Amazon using that keyword. Hrmm. Thanks.