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Blog Comments posted by Askew

  1. The egg was a cool read, my eyebrows duly raised at the correct moment, however if 'God 'is a perfect and timeless deity, it would require a perfect and 'sinless' entry into being, being born doesn't factor, much less so being born out of experiencing all of the good and evils of the imperfect man.

    If man was indeed corrupted shortly after his inception on this planet, and the whole mechanism of forgiveness and metaphorical 'rebirth' as a new man is necessary in order to enter heaven then I cannot see the egg 'hatching' into a God because not all of is pure, some of it's fabric ended unrighteously and in many cases wholly evil.

    If a man is required to accept a saviour and be cleansed of this 'sin' to even be accepted in the presence of 'God' then he cannot in my opinion die imperfect and still serve as a building block to form the perfect being because no matter how well his actions while compiling the lives within the egg are balanced out in terms of good lives for evil, the fact remains that the sum of all parts doesn't wash 100% white without intervention.


    I agree with your points about timescale, I suppose if time only exists within it, maybe it is just being rendered like an edited video, all paths chosen and accounted for, just playing out according to the length of the project.

  2. Your views on life being a preparation rather than how it appears initially as a 'race for a glimpse of heaven before the chance is gone' interest me, and I enjoyed reading this piece.

    This image sums up perfectly why I am not an atheist, their quandry is real, the fact is mom's there but you can't know that until the time comes for you to be shown. Looking back on it is then trivial despite the validity of the initial doubt.
