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That awkward moment when you need to sign something and can't remember how to write your name in cursive since you never use it

  1. dizmo


    Bahaha. You actually just write your name?
    Most people adopt a signature that's something different.

  2. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    I do, yes. But I don't have to sign things often so it doesn't bother me until I do. Working on getting a new signature haha.

  3. Canada EH

    Canada EH

    More often then not, I scribe a single line across where the sig is required.

    Only a handful of people have ever wanted me to redo my sig.


    City A.P.U. desk for bag of personals upon intake, shoes, belt and contents of pockets. In the end I just scribbled a wave, 2 or 3 times he asked.


    Some older Safeway lady that was very insistant, until I said I wanted to return all the items in my grocery cart.




  4. dizmo


    Haha be careful with that, sometimes they'll compare it to something they have on file and deny you.
    I had my bank do that. The signature they had on file was from when I was 12. Smooth, BMO, smooth.

  5. Canada EH

    Canada EH

    Well of course I do legit sig for banking and investments.
