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Everything posted by OutlawedConsole

  1. Being an Atlanta sports fan is like having your heart ripped out, sewn back in by a person with hand spasms and having it ripped out again
  2. I went to Sweden once, we went to an island called Faröe, it was of off Gotland. I do remember seeing a bunch of Ikeas'
  3. no, it's more of the skin cleanly ripping in half revealing the scarlet red blood beneath
  4. Welcome to the forums, always nice to see new members On the topic: i don't think so but maybe, we'll have to see
  5. Damn, You have a good taste in motherboards
  6. Fractal r4 cable management, nuff said Although I still manage to make it look bad
  7. Your profile gif burns my eyes, that should be banned in at least 17 countries
  8. ^^ I need to look at some sexy hardware
  9. Plugging a 6-pin cable into an 8-pin socket Face to the Palm
  10. 1. Ground your case 2. Make sure all of your parts are on the table 3. Wear no socks 4. continually ground yourself every 7 or so minutes Follow the steps and you should be good to go B)
  11. Definitely not too long, you'll be just fine. Also, make sure you like the keyboard you're using
  12. It cant hurt to be careful, but just make sure to ground yourself #NOSOCKS
  13. Get a cheap ghetto Korean monitor like the Qnix - 1440p was never soooo cheap