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Everything posted by lmao234

  1. You can't start comp without having a level 3.
  2. Thing about CSGO is that the majority of people playing it have mediocre PCs that will probably explode with Source 2. I'm all up for it, but I'm perfectly happy the way it is right now.
  3. 1446 hours, not a lot that stands out as well although I've logged 100 more hours on my top played game. CSGO - 332.7h TF2 - 201.3h Path of Exile - 140.5h Have a couple of games with 100 hours, then it goes down from there.
  4. Really? That's unheard of, you can't get deranks on wins and rank ups on loss. You can get both for drawing.
  5. No one knows for sure, but I read this guide which says MVPs count a lot. Also it has an ELO system, if the other team has higher ranks than you, you get more ELO for winning, they get less for winning etc.
  6. lmao234

    Witcher 3

    Agreed, I'd rather have longer potion durations like in the 1st and 2nd than having 10-30s long potion durations which can stock up everytime you meditate.
  7. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2989566 Steam Air, one of the best along with Metro.
  8. lmao, nope they back again... this kinda sucks. I was hoping for some drama but they took like 3 seconds to come back up after i opened this thread.
  9. I would say so myself, but $1 isn't too bad for all of that.
  10. It can run a 4670K but can it run your card? AMD cards are pretty power hungry.
  11. I'm gonna blow everything on this. There goes my policy of never buying new games.
  12. Wow, you guys are lucky... Here in Britain we have to order everything from the web because everywhere else rips you off.
  13. What does it say? If you have a dvd reader thing, try unplugging that because you might have the wrong sata port.
  14. Agreed. @ForsakenLive Yes it does, go with a single GTX 770. SLI performance varies between games and you have higher heat output, power consumption, and noise with dual cards. A single higher-end card is a preferable GPU solution.
  15. I've supported Spain every single time. Not because I'm a glory hunter supporting them because they won last time, though that was one mega powerteam.
  16. I don't know how I found this one.... but it was love at first site.
  17. teleport, mind control oooorrrrrrr charmspeak
  18. Exams. 11/10 would study again