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Everything posted by aries757

  1. i doubt it, on a few laptops i had, it just fucked it up and slowed it down, i would uninstall it and just install it when you get a sub
  2. banned for not living in new york city
  3. banned for being a small skinny nerd
  4. but why would i not have a data plan if my ot her phones with the same sim worked
  5. phone type: Escape 2 brand: LG/att network: t-mobile on previous phones my data worke,d this one has 4g data too but it doesnt show it nor does it work
  6. banned for dabbing emotionally
  7. Banned for not being a dog
  8. banned for not assuming my species
  9. banned for being a silly mongoose
  10. yup. and the guy who repaired my friends couldnt even fix the rgb, he got so pissed off at it, he refused to try and fixed it and refunded him partially
  11. banned for not trolling @BlueChinchillaEatingDorito
  12. R.i.p X (xxxtentacion) for buying like 4 alienware laptop/pc's
  13. my friend had a laptop he overpaid for brand new, turned out the rgb messed up pretty bad and the pc wouldn't launch right, had to get it repaired do they make good products? i suppose.. but not competitive at all, for the price being paid you could find something killer. Hell-to-the-yes rgb. and looks maybe, thats about it based on opinion and intent research of specs for all their lineups wh ich im not trying to do.. all the pc's/laptops ive seen from them arent worth it. in my opinion, it affected them positively , giving them a maybe better name since dell is a large company , and maybe spreading word of them.
  14. i would prob just sell it without i mac unless you want to tr y out macOS (which you already have lol) but you are getting less for your laptop imo,
  15. no offense but i'd beg to differ, i would search on ebay and find an user with a high rating, do this when looking for laptops, you find some real gems on ebay, even if buying new
  16. agreeed, sell if possible for li ke 700, even a budget pc like that could get better resu lts.
  17. i purchased a vinyl print- more specifically the silhouette curio because it is cheap, is the size i need, and many people reccomended, and i order a large pack of vinyl... but. i have it setup with a yellow piece of vinyl, and whenever i try to print out something, it doesnt cut it , and the vinyl moves around how can i fix these problems
  18. whenever i hit my bound key for mic, it doesnt show th at im talking and my team doesn't respond., any thoughts ik this isn 't the best spot to ask for help on cs but.
  19. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAC8W5SB2261&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Liquid+%2F+Water+Cooling-_-9SIAC8W5SB2261&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw9nUBRCTARIsAG11eidxiSM0zvzFg4iZGnA36G6RVYDWmLsbP25XRM-72yYsxuFnlLNQUJYaAlWTEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds ?
  20. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074Q54GSR/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B074Q54GSR&pd_rd_wg=60M3m&pd_rd_r=0H8Z3MBEAQXBZPAR6QF5&pd_rd_w=er6OY peep it has 4 stars and okay specs, seems pretty swell