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Joe Jackman

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Posts posted by Joe Jackman

  1. On 5/1/2020 at 12:13 AM, CactusMan said:

    If you're looking to use a Linux install as a storage partition for Windows, you'll need a filesystem readable by both Windows and Linux without too much problem. The best solution I can come up with is WinBTRFS.

    This is a file system driver for Windows written by the reactOS team. It's pretty stable and most of the useful features of btrfs are in it already.

    well i could have just used Fat32 then.. oh well.. i thought about it few hours after i installed it.

  2. On 4/30/2020 at 9:38 PM, Sauron said:

    It's probably better do make a linux partition with the Linux installer and leave the rest empty, then boot Windows and format the remaining space as NTFS.

    95683439_1133763383640587_5383616268584615936_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_eui2=AeGJoCELJFtCluo4-6FGY4uKgnsPVu-vE7qCew9W768Tuorm9Rk1jrGlkiJaD56zzfGgwEBFOP-9razfV-f07M6i&_nc_ohc=eoeUHMKpkg4AX88FOw5&_nc_ht=scontent.fdac31-1.fna&oh=f77244727ab0c8c7beed346d473cf4ff&oe=5ED82109Thanks for the tip man, now i am editing on Linux and ngl i now have little use for windows now. I frekn love linux. And it worked right away but was too carried away for few days so didn't update it. runs games fairly well (LOL Garena dont work and BRU so Still have to use windows, sad) but ya Linux is very welcoming especially distros like POP OS.

  3. Just now, Sauron said:

    No, there are no file systems that are compatible with Windows and also allow you to install Linux (at least as far as I know) - unless you're willing to partition it. You can partition it in a way that most of the drive would be NTFS and readable from both though while the Linux partition would have to be EXT4 or something like that. The Linux partition will not be accessible from Windows but depending on the size of the drive that may not matter to you.

    Thats exactly what i want to do.. should i partition it on linus or on windows?

  4. Just now, Vishera said:

    That's concerning...

    Change password to your router's Wi-Fi and restart it.

    if ur also including wifi connects then i have a neighbour who uses my connection. but it never appeared in my network.

    should i call ISP about this?   
