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Congratulations @LinusTech @nicklmg on 10 Mio Subs. I am one of the OG subscribers. You guys were the first Channel I subbed to back in 2013 when you guys just had 100K. It is really nice to see you guys grow so big and influential. Now I haven't yet seen the Livestream from Linus, if he steps down as CEO then that's fine to me aslong as he continues to make content and Memes. Whish you guys all the best for the future, hope that this Forum will also grow a bit. To 20 Mio !

  1. MEC-777


    It's been quite the journey, to come from doing a few videos for a retailer, to building a largely successful business, brand and platform. Congrats on the 10mil subs, LMG! :)
