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I noticed AMD included console gamers in their "how many people play games on Radeon GPUs" figure.


Is it really fair to include that when console gamers don't have a choice in the hardware and they can't use the product AMD was showing that day? I'm pretty sure console gamers don't buy console hardware because it has AMD in it :/



  1. Mira Yurizaki

    Mira Yurizaki

    Pre-emptive rebuttal thing


    This is like saying Wii Sports is the best selling game ever at like 100 million plus. But it was bundled with the Wii. So you could technically say it is but it's dubious at best.

  2. Jtalk4456


    yeah a bit unfair, but you also gotta consider that while the gamers don't have a choice, the console maker does have a choice. So in a sense if console X uses AMD, that means Company X beleives them to be better for gaming (or better for their purpose moneywise). I think it should count, but I think it should be a separate graph and taken with a grain of salt

  3. TopHatProductions115


    And then, there's the Nintendo Switch. Did nVIDIA ever use them in figures for hardware adoption?


    I'm thinking no... 

  4. Mira Yurizaki

    Mira Yurizaki

    Non-serious rebuttal: "But SoCs don't have 'real' GPUs so they don't count."

  5. LukeSavenije


    they do... polaris based even.


    I think i only have one nvidia power console in my house...
