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  1. OJTheAviator


    Why did I assume it was talking about the Beatles late manager Brian Epstien? Sure, I don't really keep up with the news, and I'm currently a little obsessed with the Beatles, but I doubt anyone else came to this conclusion.

  2. Tech_Dreamer


    All memes aside, if you didn't know about it, Even doe a few cameras malfunctioned near the cell , AG Barr personally viewed & reviewed the security tapes that were working in that timeline to confirm no one entered the premise to his cell. one of the strong evidence that he did committed suicide alongside he was inside his cell alone even doe he was to be put alongside another cellmate.

  3. PCGuy_5960


    And you don't think that the footage might have been altered or edited? I mean we are literally talking about some of the most powerful and richest people in the world.

  4. Tech_Dreamer


    Could be some mission impossible shit where they accessed the cell from the outside window & chocked him out & left without a trace. according to AG's report. entry points from the inside were covered via cctv. but im sure it could be altered & stitched in from a previous footage & forge the metadata to make it look like it was continuous. but it has to be done by an insider.


    Honestly i dont care about his death as a big thing. i mean he was caught & was bound to be dead somehow or imprisoned for his whole life.  that's obvious.  but what mattered were the people who had real close ties to him involved. whats more concerning to me is that the private island was rigged to record anything that moved in or out . a lot throughout the years & should be providing tons worth of data according to his ally's testimony, literally zero output on that.
