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So after messing around in PUBG custom games for ~2 hours I learned a couple of things:

  1. The P18C sucks. It's pretty much useless
  2. Spraying with a 4x is really damn hard after the first ~10 bullets
  3. The QBU is a laser beam if you go prone
  4. The M24 and the SLR are really damn rare
  5. The Vector has more recoil than I thought it had.
  1. WereCat


    I hit a guy with an AKM 9x in a row and he survived.

  2. PCGuy_5960


    Limb shots and desync. lmao


    I bet that half of them didn't even register

  3. WereCat


    Yeah, or I hit his hands a lot which seems to do almost no dmg.

  4. PCGuy_5960


    Yeah, not sure why limb penetration isn't a thing TBH. An UMP does more damage per second than an M416 if you hit the limbs, which makes no sense, because the M4 is a bitch to control, whereas the UMP is a laser beam.

  5. XenosTech


    M24 was supposed to have the same spawn rate as the kaar98k but they like they left it at the same rate as tha care package

  6. kelvinhall05


    I've literally never found an SLR ingame, not even from dead players.

  7. WereCat



    IDK how the spawns in PUBG work but I often cant find any sniper rifle and then Bam!

    4x SKS in one house.



    SLR is from my experience more rare than Kar98 but I dont find it to be much better over SKS which is not rare at all (at least on Sanhok).

  8. TVwazhere


    I always liked the P18C. I just aim for the chest and unload. It usually works because if im pulling that out, I've probably hit them once or twice already and their armor is damaged

  9. PCGuy_5960


    @TVwazhere The thing is, its horizontal recoil is completely random and insane (after the recoil update, it used to be much better tho)

  10. TVwazhere


    TBH I havent played in months, and I Rarely got the P18C as is so the times I've used it, I can probably count on my fingers but I've never had anything bad to say about a full auto pistol when it's 3 minutes in and your two opponent only has an m1911 and a crowbar :D 

  11. kelvinhall05


    True, the only time I can really see myself using a Glock besides if I'm doing a challenge is if I've just landed and that's all I've found. In that case, I'm probably up against unarmored opponents, so I think it's pretty good.


    But it is ridiculous how rare it is.

  12. PCGuy_5960


    Honestly, they should make the Glock more common and add the Deagle as a rare pistol. It would be much more useful than the Glock TBH

  13. XenosTech


    Come to think of it I've seen the SLR more than the m24. M24 is rarer than when it was in the crate

  14. TVwazhere


    "New feature"


    Buff the Deagle: Any body part hit by the Deagle is destroyed. Gameplay changes based on what body part the projectile struck. (If you get hit in the chest, sorry bro you got a foot diameter hole in you and you die)


    Balancing: The Deagle breaks the hand of the user, so they can no longer shoot other than smaller pistols in the non dominant hand, making accuracy 50% worse :D 

  15. PCGuy_5960